Page 22 of The President and the Starlet
And suddenly, Susie’s head swung towards me, those brown eyes blazing with fury.
“So you know the payment’s already been made,” she hissed. “Because when I woke up this morning, there was a hundred thousand dollars in my bank account!” she cried, tears filling her eyes. “Is that all I am to you? Some hooch that you throw money at?” she asked angrily, swiping her eyes with the back of her hand. “I get it. I’m a dancer at the Flamingo, but still, Mr. President,” she said, her voice shaking with rage and hurt. “I would have thought you were better than that.”
And even with the car speeding along the highway, the curvy female put her hand on the door, ready to make her exit. But I couldn’t. I couldn’t stand the thought of Susie being hurt, emotionally as well as physically. So moving like lightning, I blocked the door.
“No,” was my low growl. “You’re not going anywhere.”
“Try and stop me!” she shrieked, clawing at my face like a kitten gone mad. “You fucking wretch!”
And we engaged in a wrestling match of sorts except that my lover’s about a hundred pounds lighter than me, not to mention a foot shorter. The scrabbling was over in about five seconds flat, with the curvy girl pinned beneath me on the limo seat.
“Stop it,” I barked. “Stop it right now.”
She struggled some more, only to bring those heaving curves in closer contact with my body.
“Try to stop me,” she hissed again, eyes blazing. “Get ready for a fight, big guy.”
Of course, this whole thing was ludicrous. The girl was pinned beneath my massive form, those huge Double Ds pressed up against my chest, her legs tangled with my long ones. And I did it then. I swooped down and pressed my lips to hers, infusing the kiss with everything I felt for her. Because Susie is my dream come true. Sure, it’s ludicrous. She’s a librarian cum feature dancer and I’m the President of the United States. Bu that’s the thing. This is the United States, where anyone can meet anyone else, and for whatever reason, there was a real spark between us.
Susie fought it at first. She struggled and mewled, trying to push my heavy weight off of her. But I was relentless.
“You love me,” I muttered against her lips. “I know it. You do.”
And finally, the girl gave up, melting against me with warmth and passion.
“I hate you!” she managed to gasp, half-crying and half-aroused while still trying to batter my shoulders. “I hate your guts!”
It only spurred me on.
“No, you love me sweet thing,” was my fevered reply. “We’re made for each other, however unlikely. Because sweetheart, you’re the good to my bad, the heaven to my hell. You’re what keeps me going when I have nothing to look forward to. Shit, you made tonight’s dinner that much better by showing up.”
And for a moment, Susie stills, just looking at me.
“So you didn’t order your lawyer to prepare that NDA?” she asks in a teary voice. “That was his idea and not yours?”
“His,” I nod curtly. “And fuck but I’m gonna tear him a new one. Or whoever organized this shitshow because honey, you know the White House is a machine. It’s called the Deep State and fuck, but I have no idea myself how it works sometimes. Someone ordered something from somewhere and that piece of crap NDA is the result. But someone’s gonna pay, I can guarantee you that.”
The brunette relaxed a little bit, her curvy form going still beneath me.
“So you never wanted to shut me up,” she said quietly, a hitch to her voice. “It’s all a misunderstanding.”
Fuck, I didn’t know what to say. It was more than a misunderstanding. It was a giant clusterfuck which wires were crossed in the worst ways possible. No wonder nothing ever gets done around this shithole! I didn’t order the contract drawn up and yet somehow, my personal lawyer had come up with this grand idea from who knows where. Probably the Office of Professional Ethics, those asshats. They always think they know what they’re doing, when in fact they’re the new SS come to life.
So I looked deep into Susie’s eyes, imbuing the gaze with everything I felt for the woman.
“I’m so sorry,” was my growl. “I never asked for this. I never wanted things to get screwed up in this manner. In fact, I’ve only been thinking of you, and trying to figure out a way to get back up to the Flamingo. It’s been a hellish couple months to say the least.”
She gazed back at me, the caramel eyes still a little wary but at least the raging fear and anger were gone.
“Okay,” Susie said while taking a deep breath. “I get it. Okay.”
I levered myself off her body before pulling her close to my side.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart,” came my murmur again. “I didn’t mean to embarrass you or make you feel bad in any way. In fact, I love you. You’re the only one who means something to me in this cesspool of a city, and you don’t even live here,” I said wryly. “What I wouldn’t do to move back to Manhattan right now.”
She looked at me, before turning to face my form with those soft curves undulating.
“But you can move back,” she said in a gentle voice. “It’s not impossible.”