Page 167 of The President and the Starlet
“In fact, yes. I’m beginning a new career as an author. Chemistry isn’t all that you know,” was my light fib. “I decided this fit me better.”
Charlie’s brows raised.
“Really?” he rumbled. “That’s too bad to hear because I was about to offer you a position as a junior scientist with my company. You know we do cosmetics, sweetheart, so we’ve got an R&D team that’s always puttering around in the lab.”
My cheeks flushed. That would be amazing! A job in a lab without having to get a degree first? It was like winning the lotto or finding a golden ticket under a rock somewhere.
But my mind hesitated. I didn’t want anything from the alphas, not after everything that had happened. They had another girl already. The men had moved on just like that, ruthless and opportunistic.
Don’t forget,the voice in my head warned. They replaced you the minute you didn’t show.
So instead, I nodded stiffly.
“Thank you,” were my curt words. “But like I said, I’ve changed my mind. I’m not going to be a chemist anymore. I’m going to be a writer. Maybe I’ll write about chemistry,” was my confident statement.
But there was a waver in my voice because chemistry’s been my dream for so long. To see it presented on a silver platter with no way to accept broke my heart. But I couldn’t risk everything, not without losing myself all over again.
So trying to seem lighthearted even while blinking tears back, my lips turned up in a smile.
“So what brings you here?” was my merry question. “I take it you have a new flight attendant for the airline. Is she doing a good job?”
Oh god, the words tasted like poison in my mouth, choking me with the noxious fumes. But it was what it was. I’d seen the blonde with my own eyes, coming into the elevator. And if it wasn’t her, then it was some other trashy whore.
But who was I calling a trashy whore? That’d been me one a upon a time, and I’d loved every second of it. So instead, I smiled lightly once more, even though my heart was shattering into a million pieces.
“What can I do for you, gentlemen?”
The billionaires were silent, gazes searing my form. Oh god, suddenly it was sweltering in this dorm room, so small and stuffy. I longed to open a window, but there was no way to do that without giving away my shape. Or maybe it was just pregnancy hormones and its attendant hot flashes.
So I forced another smile.
“Well, if there’s nothing, I’ll get back to work,” I trilled merrily, nodding towards the door. “It was good seeing you again.”
But the alphas didn’t budge an inch.
“Sweetheart,” began Nick. “We didn’t hire anyone else.”
I must have gasped because their eyes focused, becoming laser-like.
But who had been that girl in the elevator then?
There’s only one penthouse on that floor. She’d definitely been at the apartment.
Tom corroborated Nick’s statement then.
“Sweetheart, you’re our one and only. Sure, we had a string of girls before you but there’s been no one since. No one as sweet and innocent. No one as amazing,” he growled with finality, staring at my curves. “We can’t get you out of our minds.”
I didn’t know what to say. Literally, words wouldn’t form.
“Bu-but,” I stammered. “But.”
“But nothing,” swept in Damien, those blue eyes intense. “But nothing. You’re our one and only and we want you back. We want you to work for us again, but you don’t have to if you don’t want. We want you to live with us. To laugh with us. To spend your days with us. Does that make sense?”
No, it didn’t at all. This was a one eighty turnabout from my expectations.
“I’m sorry,” were my slow words. “But I don’t understand. When I came back that day, there was a girl ….”