Page 145 of The President and the Starlet
“Hey, I’m Howard,” he said. “You new to town?”
Joanie laughed, her perfect profile tipping back a bit.
“I am,” she confessed. “How can you tell?”
And this Howard dude went for it then. Leaning forward conspiratorially, he said, “The stars in your eyes chickadee. They shine like the sun.”
I shook my head. This was so fucking stupid. His line was lame beyond belief, and I was tempted to rip off his head, right here, right now. But Joanie went along with it, and she laughed lightly again.
“I see,” she said. “Well, nice talking to you Howard.”
But the weasel just wouldn’t let go. He swiveled on his bar stool, eyes intent on that curvy form and started to talk on and on about sights to see in the City, where the get the best deals, where to get the best meals, spewing words like vomit.
And lo and behold, Howard actually was a tour guide.
“I run the Red Bus Company,” he proclaimed proudly, puffing up like a penguin. “You see those double decker red buses around town with sightseers sitting on the top level? That’s me. I give those tours, and sweetheart, I’d love to be your guide,” he said lowering his voice and winking lasciviously.
This was so comical as to be ridiculous now. Because a real threat was one thing. But a penguin slash weasel slash professional tour guide? Please motherfucker. You have no idea how the big boys play.
And with that, I did it. I’m a dirty asshole. Real nasty, with my mind in the gutter 24/7. So as Howard prattled on and on, his voice a monologue, I decided to mark my female. Oh yeah, right there in the crowded, darkened bar, I decided to brand this beautiful girl with my jizz.
My hands rested lightly on her hips, scooching the female backwards on the stool a bit. The brunette turned to look at me inquisitively, but moved back a bit so that that big butt hung off the edge of the stool. Perfect.
And with Harold’s voice buzzing like a chainsaw, slowly I placed two hands on her waist, grabbing the elastic of her sweatpants and inching them over her hips.
Joanie’s eyes flew back to me, startled.
“Wha-?” she said before fixing her gaze on Harold again. “I’m sorry, you were saying?”
The man didn’t even notice. He was talking about his mom now, and how she brought him up to be discerning and perceptive. Yeah, right. Try again, motherfucker, because the girl before you is about to get fucked, and you don’t even know it.
Because yeah, I was gonna do Joanie right here, right now, in public. It was dark in the bar, most people just shadowy shapes. It was crowded too, but we were way off to one side, the girl perched on the very last stool. So there was no one behind me. No one to see what I was about to do.
And with slow, careful movements, I pulled the waistband of the sweats down so that her big ass was bared, the elastic stretched tight as it caught around her thighs. The front looked okay for sure, these were Men’s Size XXL so there was plenty of material. But the sight in back was fucking delicious.
The peach was out.
That beautiful butt, twin cheeks like moons, beckoning to me.
And with another slow movement, I pulled her back even more on the stool before plucking that g-string out of her ass and moving it to the right.
Oh shit.
Fuck me.
Because this was perfect.
Joanie’s bottom hung over the edge of the stool, creamy and inviting. Again, from the front, she looked normal, chatting away with this Howard dude. But from the back, she was one hundred percent nude and full.
That brown star beckoned, winking between her cheeks.
Would she be able to?
Would she be able to take cock up her butt in a crowded bar? While making conversation with a stranger?
The brunette shot a panicked look at me over her shoulder before smiling again at the intruder.
“Yes, Howard,” she murmured unsteadily. “Yes, I hear you.”