Page 20 of Metatron
The hiss I got in reply braced me for the rush as he threw himself at me.
My hands gripped the hilts of my daggers, but I was too slow. They hadn’t cleared their sheaths when the demon slammed into me. We hit the ground hard, with me as the cushion on the bottom.
Air cascaded out of me, and when I inhaled, I gagged on the fetid breath of the monster with his beautiful face inches from mine.
“You smell delicious, but I think instead of eating you, I’ll use your womb to replace those you killed.” It writhed against me, and I readied to beg it to tear out my throat instead when, suddenly, liquid hit me in the face, hot and sticky, also thick.
I spat and gagged and shoved at the body lying heavily atop me. Something heaved it off, and a hand grabbed hold of mine to haul me to my feet.
I coughed and hacked and wiped my grimy arm across my face until I could see Tron’s smug face as he said, “And that’s why you don’t bring a gun to a demon fight.”
I slapped him.
Chapter 7
“You hit me!” Metatron huffed indignantly. He’d not expected the resounding and rather strong slap. It didn’t hurt, but it did offend.
A filthy Francesca glared at him. “You totally deserved it and worse. You did all this on purpose and almost had me killed. You lied. You knew the demon was lairing here and didn’t warn us!” she groused as she shoved at the hair sticking to her face.
“Not a lie, merely an omission because you needed a lesson on cockiness.”
“I did?” She sounded incredulous. “You’re the one who needs a lesson on being a team player. We’re supposed to be on the same side.”
“We are. However, you kept questioning why I wanted you to learn combat skills other than firearms. I thought it best if I showed you why. It should also be noted that not all demons are the same. Their range of skills will differ. This one appeared to have an ability to control minds. Probably how he survived in here. He most likely had the imps bringing him whatever he needed.”
“He said Astaroth was his father and that he was abandoned here because of his appearance.”
Metatron nodded. “That would make sense. The Hell prince would be the only one capable of siring a demon.”
“And demons make imps.”
“They do, but imps can also procreate amongst themselves. And rapidly. It’s why it’s encouraged to remove nests as soon as they’re noticed.”
Joey suddenly exhaled as the thrall holding him captive released. “Fuck me, that was not cool.” The man sprinted to the ramp, determined to escape despite the threat being eliminated. Francesca didn’t show the same urgency to leave and kept haranguing.
“That was a dangerous stunt,” she stated, lips turned down in displeasure.
“But it proved effective.” He now had three witnesses as to what they could expect from Hell. Sometimes rumor could move more quickly and accomplish more than a boring lecture. One of his educators had been a proponent of hands-on training because he claimed experience trumped knowledge.
Francesca toed the body. “Why isn’t it disintegrating?”
“It will, but demons take longer than imps.”
“Because.” He’d never cared to explore that question. He just appreciated the fact that, once dead, they cleaned themselves up.
“You are a shitty teacher,” she complained, stalking for the slope back to the exit.
Rather than wait as she did the long climb, he darted for her and swept her up one-armed before launching himself.
She squeaked and grabbed hold, not just arms around his neck but legs around his hips too, bringing her intimately close. It startled enough he veered slightly on his ascent. His wings extended and flapped hard to correct, allowing them to land at the top of the ramp. Kyra had descended partway and kept an eye on Joey as he climbed.