Page 10 of Metatron
“What exactly do you want of the Templars?”
“We need to marshal your forces and plan a defense. Your technology is advanced enough you might be able to repel the impending attack.”
“Against an asteroid?” I couldn’t help an incredulous note. “We’re knights who fight on the earth, not up in the sky. You’ll want astronauts for that.” Only in the movies did Earth have space marines and starship troopers.
His brows drew close. “Are astronauts a branch of the Templar?”
“No. Do you not know anything of Earth at all?”
“We are only recently arrived, and I was busy trying to avert Hell’s attention, to no avail as it turned out.”
“Might I suggest you get caught up on a bit of our modern history?”
“I don’t need to. It became quickly obvious your kind is good at waging war and causing destruction. Exactly what is needed if you’re to survive the impending attack.”
“Let me guess, angels are all peace and love,” I stated, and yet eyeing him, he appeared nothing like it. For one, the big-ass sword strapped to his hip indicated otherwise.
“Only those who live upon Heaven enjoy a life free of strife. It is up to Elyon’s Warriors to protect and enforce God’s laws so that nothing impinges on their happiness and safety.”
“Meaning even in Heaven there are different classes. Are there angels lower on the ladder than soldiers?”
His lips pursed. “Whatever role God assigns us is a privilege.”
“If you say so.” I waved a hand. “I don’t suppose you have any books I can read. You know like history texts, maybe some magazines or newspapers. Videos are good too.”
He pursed his lips. “We do not use those methods of information collection. Too prone to destruction.”
“Then how do you pass on history and knowledge?”
He tapped his temple. “Active HALOs record and that information ends up stored on Heaven.”
“But it’s obviously not fool proof. You said you lost Earth and just found it again.”
His lips went into a tight line. “Heaven hasn’t been without strife. We didn’t realize at the time the extent of the damage.”
“Let me guess, Heaven got in a fight with Hell.”
“Actually, we were allies in that skirmish against a more dire threat.”
“Must have been bad if you guys joined sides.” Glad it never came here. “If Hell is flying here, does that mean Heaven’s coming, too, to help us?”
He shrugged. “Maybe. No one knows what Elyon will do.”
“Who’s Elyon?”
“He has a name?”
“Why wouldn’t he?”
He? Why was I not surprised?
“Will you help?” Tron repeated.
“I am not going to be kidnapped and coerced into something without knowing more first.” On this I wouldn’t budge.
“Very well. The cantorii will show you. I will speak to you when you’re done.”