Page 56 of Confined Space
"Please, Ms. Pierce, this could not only destroy my son's life but my career too. You don't want to let the people of California down now, do you? I'm a very necessary cog in the wheel that runs that state."
My mouth gapes open. I can't believe this man believes that bullshit. "You are so important that you’ve concealed the fact your son has raped several girls. That he's even murdered before." Yeah, they found the other girl’s body not far from where I was buried.
"I told you he's sick. He needs to go to the doctor. Besides, you have my grandson."
"Mr. Steingold, I've already asked you once to leave. I'm pressing charges against your son. I have the proof that he raped me. I want the book thrown at him so he can't do this to another girl. So another girl doesn't fear everything like I do. As for my son, you will never see him, and he will never have anything to do with you. Your son gave up his rights before Archer was born. Now leave before I call the nurse and have her call security."
"I’ll go, but I want you to know how truly sorry I am."
"I believe my fiancée asked you to leave. Now get the fuck out before I rearrange your face," Rowdy says from the doorway.
I keep myself planted where I am until Mr. Steingold is out of the room. As soon as Rowdy is close, I jump at him and climb up his body. He holds me close as I cry and shiver in fear.
"It's okay, Mouse. I got you. I'm so proud of you for standing up to him like that."
"He tried to pay me off."
"Fucker. I'll call the attorney and get a restraining order issued against the whole family."
"Thank you. I love you." I can't stop telling him I love him. I tell him every chance I can because I want him to know I'm never going to stop loving him, and because it was almost taken from us.
* * *
Coral got discharged the day after the confrontation with Mr. Steingold. Logan helped us get a restraining order against the whole family and anyone connected to them. Logan found proof that Davis had hired a man to hit Coral and Archer, hoping to kill them both. With all the evidence against him, he should be going away for a very long time. I'm going to make sure people know what he did. That not only did he hurt my girl and others, but that he tried to kill an innocent baby. Maybe he'll get shanked for it, but I don't care. I'm protecting my family and I'll keep doing that.
I'm sitting in a lounger watching my girl as she lies under the umbrella resting. Archer is across her chest and they are both asleep. I'm not worried about him slipping off her because she's in the double-size lounger and I'm about to go join them. It's been a couple of weeks since she came home. She’s on leave from the hospital until the doctors let her go back to work.
I needed to sit down and calm my nerves. It’s something I've had to do several times since she was taken. I'm quicker to anger, but I'm also wound tight. More so today because in the pocket of my jeans is the one thing that will bind Coral to me forever.
"Are you just going to stare at them, or are you going to ask her already?" Georgia stands behind me. Whenever I'm not around, my mom or Georgia is. Coral is too afraid to be alone. I know it will be a while before she gets over this, and I intend to be with her every step of the way.
"I'm letting her rest."
"She's been asleep long enough. She won't sleep tonight if she sleeps more." I wait for Georgia to head back into my mother's house before I stand and make my way to my family.
I lie on the chaise next to her.
"Mouse, wake up," I softly whisper to her. I'm the only person who doesn’t make her jump when waking her. The first time my mother tried to wake her up after the attack, Coral freaked out.
"Mmm, hello, my love," she purrs and turns slightly, letting Archer slip gently between us, her arms bracing him.
Ever since she woke up, she's told me so many times a day that she loves me. I don't ever tire of hearing her say those words to me.
"I want to ask you a question, Coral." I start. Her eyes open and she looks at me warily. "I love you and you love me, correct?" She nods. "I'm adopting Archer, so he'll be mine."
"Yes." Her voice is soft with sleep.
"Will you be mine too?"
"Rowdy, I'm already yours." She cuddles in as close as she can with Archer between us. I fumble in my pocket for the ring and pull it out.
"Good. So you'll put this on and marry me next week." It's not a question, it's a statement. She said she was mine, so I'm just making it official. Her eyes flare wide and she sits up to look at the ring in my hand.
"Yes. I will." She leans over and kisses me as I slip the ring on her finger. Archer grumbles as he tries to get some room between us.
"Will someone come get the kiss blocker so I can kiss my fiancée,” I holler, knowing my mom and Georgia are both just inside the house watching us.