Page 51 of Confined Space
"Rowdy, you can't just move me in and expect me to be okay with it."
"Fuck yes, I can. Now stay put. I'll come and get you out after I get out Archer. We need to have a look around the house."
True to my word, I lift out Archer in his seat, then I go around to her side and let her out. She takes my hand. Her body vibrates with anger, but I’m not letting her get away or talk me into more time after last night, this morning, oh yeah, and this afternoon before the barbecue.
We enter the house through the laundry room. We walk past our bedroom that I had my mom and Georgia move all of Coral's stuff into, and we keep moving through the great room to the first bedroom. It used to be my workout room and office. The room is now white below the chair rail I put in at mid-wall and a brown shade up to the white ceiling. Quotes from the Harry Potter series are painted on the walls in yellow and gold. Each wall of the room displays a house crest along with other Harry Potter decorations. Archer’s crib is black, and his bedding is made up of a Hogwarts quilt and blankets. There’s also a matching changing table and dresser. Tucked into a corner is a dark-brown oversized rocking chair.
"Oh my God! Rowdy, what?" Coral pauses and turns to look at me.
"I gave him a Harry Potter room. I want you both to live with me."
I set Archer's car seat down and pull her into my arms.
"I love you, Coral, and I want to spend the rest of my life waking up to you. I want to have more babies with you. Don't you get it?"
"I'm scared, Rowdy."
"I know, baby, and I'm going to spend the rest of my life showing you I'm not leaving."
I spend the rest of the night with my family. Coral is cuddled into my arms. Archer is on a blanket on the floor, playing with some new toy my mom said he needed to have. When he finally wears out and is ready for bed, I show her the camera and monitors so she can go to bed without worrying about him being so far from her.
I'm waiting on the bed in our room for her to join me. When she enters, she sees all her bags and shakes her head at me.
"You were so sure of yourself."
"How about we discuss what we should have last night?"
"No, Rowdy, we aren't going to stop this conversation. I do care for you very much, but I'm not sure I could handle you deciding next month, or next year for that matter, that you don't want me to be a part of your life anymore. What happens when you decide you're tired of playing house? I'll never grow tired of it. It’s a responsibility I accepted the moment I found out I was pregnant."
I stand from the bed and stomp toward her. She’s crazy if she thinks I’m playing. She doesn't know how close she is to getting thrown over my knee and my hand landing on her beautiful, pert ass.
"Oh, baby, I'm not playing." I advance on her, my voice gravelly. I lift her and pin her to the wall by the door. "I came inside you numerous times last night, this morning, and today. My cum is inside your body. You could be carrying my baby right now. If I were playing, I would have wrapped that shit up, but I didn't. I want you. I want babies with you. I keep telling you this and you still don't get it. So how about I show you."
"I'm going to get the morning-after pill tomorrow. You don't need to worry about it."
"You're what?" I push her into the wall more.
"Well, in the heat of the moment, we let it get away from us. We should have used condoms."
"You think all that was heat of the moment? Coral, I could have pulled out. I could have used condoms. I carry them with me. But I wasn't going to do that with you. We'd discussed birth control. I knew you weren't on anything. I made the decision."
"But why?"
"I told you, I love you, Coral."
"I… I… I care so much for you, Rowdy." She's trying so hard to say the words, but they are trapped and I can see her struggling.
I pull her in close to me and hold her as I carry her back to the bed. Sitting her on the edge, I pull her T-shirt over her head, unhook her bra, and kneel before her. I stand her up and unbutton her jeans, then slide them along with her thong down her legs. When I have her completely naked before me, I push her back onto the bed as I strip out of my own clothes. I crawl up the bed over her.
"So that we don't have any misconceptions, I'm going to make love to you again without a condom. If you get that day-after pill, I'll spank your ass then fuck you again without a condom. You won't abort or terminate any of my babies from your womb," I growl, then I proceed to make love to her just like I told her I would. And just like I said, I come deep inside her without a condom.
* * *
The next morning I'm awakened to sounds coming from the baby monitor and turn to see my girl in the room with Archer. She’s playing with him as he lies on the floor kicking and squirming around. I'll keep saying it over and over, this is exactly what I want to have for the rest of my life.
The last game in the tournament to determine third place is today, and I can't wait to have my little family with me. I jump up, shower, and prepare for the day, lighter than I've ever felt. I need to call Marco and check on him. I don't want to brag about my feelings for Coral, but I owe him an explanation and a shoulder to cry on because Lord knows that man is suffering right now. I couldn't imagine my life without Coral and Archer in it. I couldn't imagine if they were taken from me.
Chapter Thirteen