Page 48 of Confined Space
"I primarily take the ibuprofen, and I don't take the pain meds unless I absolutely have to." I defend myself quietly.
"Yes, but any amount of it is dangerous. You shouldn't be able to have your child. That's child abuse." She practically yells, and now the pharmacists and others are paying attention.
"It isn't. I've confirmed what I can and can't take with my pediatrician and surgeon. But thank you for your concern." Again, I keep my voice level and quiet.
"He was supposed to be mine. But you flashed your body at him, and how could he turn you down?" She glares at me.
I want to thank her for thinking so highly of me, but this isn't funny.
"Please just give me my medications and I'll be leaving." I try to get back to the reason I'm here to begin with.
"Does Rowdy know you are abusing his child this way? Oh, wait, he isn't Rowdy's. You’re just using him for his money." The insult is like a slap to the face and I shrink back. I knew people were going to think that, but it hurts to actually hear it said.
"She can use me however she wants to use me. She's going to be my wife as soon as I can convince her to marry me. As for Archer, he is my son. So if you could quiet it down and respect my family, I'd appreciate it." Rowdy's deep voice comes from behind me. Melissa and I were so focused on each other I didn't hear or feel him walk up.
"Rowdy, I'm sorry. I'm just trying to protect you. It's why I made the complaint. You need to see she's a user."
"You made the complaint to CPS?" I can feel the anger coming off his body. It practically vibrates as he tries to hold himself back from going at her. She's one of the reasons my life has been so messed up.
"Of course. After I saw in her chart that she was taking pain medications while nursing, I knew that poor baby needed someone to protect him. Plus, I saw how she was leading you on."
"You accessed my chart without needing to?" Now, I'm pissed.
"Well, it's my job to check meds."
"Yes, check them out when the patient is here, not because you want to see what they are taking." This comes from the pharmacist. "Ms. Branson, please go wait in my office," he orders her, and she sputters as she walks away upset. The pharmacist finishes checking me out and apologizes, then gives me a form to file a complaint.
Rowdy leads me out of the store, and I see his mother loaded up in her SUV with Archer.
"Come on, Mouse, you're coming with me."
"What about Archer?"
"Mom's babysitting. You and I are going out."
"I'm not dressed to go on a date." His eyes roam up and down my body.
"Yeah, you're right, that's why we are going to my place."
He helps me into the truck, and we head out toward his house. When we pull up, he pulls over by the garage and parks.
"Stay there, little Mouse," he orders me and then gets out to come around to my side. When he opens the door, instead of helping me down, he lifts me into his arms and carries me around the back. I've seen this area from the inside but never been out here. Candles in old style lanterns burn from around the back of the stone round sofa. Bright orange cushions adorn the surface, making the rock look comfy instead of cold and hard. Two pale wood Adirondack chairs with a table sit across from the sofa. Between is a large round fire pit with a fire blazing. A bottle of water is in the champagne bucket instead of alcohol and it causes my heart to thump. He knows I'm not a big fan of alcohol and doesn't push me to try it. He was right, I do have feelings for him, but I'm not ready to let any more walls down yet. I'm scared to trust.
He sets me down on the sofa and heads over to the table, where there is a dome-covered tray. He lifts the lid and reveals two plates of food. He sets them down near me and sits himself with his arm wrapping around me.
"I'm sorry Melissa is the one who reported you to CPS. I swear there was nothing more between us—"
I place my finger over his lips.
"Rowdy, you don't need to apologize for her. She did this to herself. I trust you."
He kisses and licks my finger. A shiver runs through my body. He then leans forward and kisses me. Forgetting the food, we kiss until he pulls me over him to straddle his lap. His kisses are drugging, and my body is humming with desire. I never thought I could feel this way. The way the heroine feels in the books I've read. Tingling and needy. My body is reacting in ways I never thought it would. I can feel myself getting wet, and when he kisses down my throat, biting along my carotid, my pussy clenches, wanting to be filled by him.
"Rowdy, I want you," I say.
"Mouse, are you sure?"
"Yes, make this ache go away. I want to feel you filling me up."