Page 40 of Confined Space
"Okay, but maybe we should make sure your mom is close by in case you need her."
"Baby, I've babysat kids before."
We load up and head out in her new car. I talked her into driving so she could get used to it. I can tell she loves the car even if she's fighting me on it.
Chapter Ten
It took more convincing, but I'm watching Archer by myself. My mom did have plans after all, with Aunt Char and Georgia, but she'll be back later. I told Coral I'd stay here the night with him because he has a crib here, and that way she could come right home and go to sleep without having to wake him up. I work a mid-shift tomorrow, so I'm not worried about sleep. I can sleep while he's sleeping. She pumped breast milk and says that she's going to start converting him to formula. I told her I had no opinion. If she wants to continue breastfeeding, we can make it work.
“How about we watch some baseball, buddy? The Diamondbacks are playing.” I lift him out of his bouncy seat that is his new favorite thing and carry him into the living room. He’s cooing more and watches his hands and feet. I watch him looking at me. I can’t wait until he does more, but I'm finding I like taking care of him.
We watch the game, and he falls asleep in my arms. A feeling I've never felt before takes over my chest. I hold him close to me, smelling his baby scent. When he fusses, I get him his bottle and the little guy goes to town on it.
I spend the evening with him, talking and joking. I know he doesn't understand me, but he seems to like my voice. When it gets close to eleven, I get him ready for bed. After changing him, I place him on his back in the crib and make sure the camera my mom got is on before I head out of the room. He fusses for a bit but then settles down.
"How did it go?" my mom asks when she walks in.
"It's been fun. He fussed a bit, but he likes the stars on the ceiling." I show her the screen so she can see him.
"How many times has Coral called or texted?"
"A few times. I was sure she was going to call out at the last minute because she kept doubting me."
"Don't take it wrong. It's not you. I think she completely believes she doesn't have anyone else."
"Her parents did a real number on her."
"Yeah, but it wasn't just them. I think all of her friends gave up on her too."
"Well, I'm not going to. I'm going to contact an adoption attorney in town and see about getting the kid my name so I can protect them both."
"Is the father listed on the birth certificate? Has she told you much about him?"
"I don't know, but I doubt he's on the certificate. What she has said was in confidence, and it wasn't much.”
"Well then, it should be easier for you to adopt him. You can call after our meeting with the attorney tomorrow and see what they say."
"I won't be able to go to the attorney’s office with you. Isn't it at three?"
"Yeah. I forgot about your schedule on Mondays."
"It's okay. I can see if I can step out for a bit and carry a radio in case of a call."
"That sounds good."
"Go to bed. I'm going to call Coral on her break here in a bit, then I'm heading to bed."
Sure enough, Coral and I talk for her whole break. They are going to switch her back soon to the three-to-three shift she was on before, but she'll remain the ward clerk. She's liking it, and her supervisors love how well she works at it. She's got the stockroom under control and everything in it organized correctly. She's so efficient. She can get the scanning of the few papers they use into the system while on her shift when others haven't been able to do it. She's organized and is still able to help on cases in rooms if necessary. I think this is a good thing for her. Maybe after she finishes her nursing degree, which I'm going to talk her into returning sooner, she can move into nursing management.
I fall asleep with the baby monitor on the bedside table next to me and wake up just as Archer starts to get upset. I rock him in the chair in his room while I feed him, then I burp and change him. This little guy has captured a place in my heart. I didn't think before this I would want children, but now I can't see my life any other way. I want him to have my name someday, just like I want his mother to also.
I wake when the alarm disengages and then I feel her slide into bed beside me. Her soft magnolia smell tickles my nose and causes my cock to harden. I roll over and pull her into my body. She tries to pull away at first but finally gives in and sighs before I hear her soft snores. I hold her against me, the little spoon to my big spoon.
When my alarm goes off on my cell, I silence it and cuddle in closer to my girl. She's in sleep shorts and a tank top that has risen up on her to just below her breasts. She wears a sleep bra at night because she's nursing and says it's easier to avoid nursing issues. I'm not sure what she means. I slide my hand across her bare abdomen, her skin so soft. She moans and pushes her ass back into my morning wood. I want to roll her and bury my aching cock in her tight heat, but I know she isn't quite ready for that. I trace her belly button and trail my fingers gently down her body toward her pussy over her shorts. Her body arches more, trying to aid my fingers in getting to her. I want her awake for this. I lean over and suck her earlobe into my mouth and then kiss her neck.