Page 34 of Confined Space
"Are you heading out?" she asks as she pulls out her tablet to take notes.
"I'm taking Coral to dinner when my mom gets home from work." Rowdy offers, and I wish he wasn't here.
"I see. How often do you leave your son with babysitters?" She looks back at me.
"When I'm at work, he's at the daycare until just before they close, then I had a neighbor watching him at my apartment until I got off. On my days off, I spend them with him."
"This is the first time we've gone out without him." Again, Rowdy interjects.
"But I can stay here if it's going to cause problems."
"I think it's rather convenient that you are staying with your boyfriend's mother. You didn't want to live with him?"
"Ma'am, JoAnna has offered to help me out until I can catch up financially after the car accident and we find out what's going on with my inheritance. As for Rowdy, he and I are friends."
"We are dating. We just started dating, and my mom saw a person in need and offered to help. I would have offered for Coral and Archer to come stay with me. I have a three-bedroom house too. But I'm glad my mother did because I want Coral to be comfortable, and I know with me she'd be worried all the time that people would think she was just living with random guys. Which she doesn't do," he quickly adds.
"Ms. Pierce, your drug test came back clean. You're not even on any prescription meds as far as the urine test states. We'd like to do a follicle test to see how long you've been clean.”
I'm insulted. I've never taken drugs, other than the Rohypnol Davis slipped me, and I'm not sure I want them finding out about that.
"And if I deny?" I twist my hand in my lap.
"It won't look good. So you admit you've done drugs?"
Now I really wish Rowdy wasn't here.
"If you want any more tests done, you can speak to her attorney," JoAnna says when she comes down the hall from the garage. I didn't even hear her pull up, but obviously Rowdy did because he's smiling.
"I beg your pardon." Ramona stands and faces off with JoAnna.
"No, Ramona, you're not going to get away with bullying Coral. I hired her an attorney, and I offered to be cooperative until I found out you were the investigator. My sister-in-law suggested the attorney because you and your daughter have an issue with my family. I'm not going to allow our past to interfere with Coral and Archer." JoAnna stands her ground, her arms crossed across her chest. Her feet are braced apart as if she’s waiting for Ramona to attack.
"I'm not afraid to take the test. I don't do drugs." I stand and defend myself.
Rowdy wraps his arm around my body and pulls me close. I try to pull away, but he won't let me. Ramona focuses on us and sees the healing bruises on my arm.
"Did he hurt you?" she spits, looking directly at me.
"No, this was someone else."
"You're seeing more than one guy? My witness was correct, you're a tramp."
I gasp and Rowdy stiffens.
"That's enough. Coral and Archer are safe here. The person who injured her isn’t a love interest. I will be contacting Coral’s attorney and your supervisor unless you ask relevant questions.” JoAnna isn’t backing down.
“Fine.” Ramona huffs and sits back down but then turns back to JoAnna. “Charlene Murphy no longer works for our office. I’d suggest you keep her out of this.” The threat hangs in the air, and I watch as JoAnna bristles.
“I’m going to contact our attorney now,” JoAnna says and moves to the kitchen counter, where I watch as she dials a number.
"What are your plans for evening care now that your neighbor isn't close enough to help?"
"I get off work at five thirty normally. I'll pick Archer up from the daycare if she has to go in early, but otherwise I'll be home before she goes in," JoAnna says as she holds the phone to her ear.
"I'll help on nights that I don't work too," Rowdy adds.
"I'd like to see where Archer is sleeping."