Page 15 of Confined Space
"When is your break?" All the reasons to not spend time with her rush from my mind. I just want her close and safe.
"Um, not for a while."
"Can you grab a quick coffee?" I ignore the fact that everyone is moving around us.
"I can't, we are pretty busy from that fire, and now an accident on the highway heading toward Flagstaff."
"Another time? When's your next day off?"
"I can't." She doesn't give me an excuse. She keeps her head down instead of looking me in the eye.
"Can I ask why not?" I lean over the counter more to lift her chin. As soon as my fingers touch her face, she jumps back. She looks up at me in fear and her body tightens up. I've only seen this reaction one other time. Instant anger tightens my chest at the thought that someone has hurt her.
"It's okay, Coral. I'm not going to hurt you." I soften my voice and open my hands, palms facing her, hoping the panicked look leaves her eyes. Fearing what she doesn't need to tell me. I watch as she closes her eyelids, takes a calming breath, and then pops her eyes open again. The shutters are in place over her eyes, the color duller. I want to throat punch whoever caused her to fear like this.
"I don't have time, but thank you for asking." Her voice has a slight tremor to it.
"Okay. Take care, Coral." I step away from the counter and walk away before I do something she's not ready for, like throw her over my shoulder and protect her. I want to ask her about the accident, but I don't. I head to the room she pointed out and check on my teammate.
* * *
Three days later I'm in the grocery store grabbing a few things for dinner at my mom's tonight. I notice a small person walking down one of the aisles, and I stop and back up. Sure enough, it’s Coral. She’s in the baby aisle and grabs diapers and a couple of other things, including formula. I thought my mom said she was nursing. My mom hasn’t given up on getting me to go out with Coral. I didn't tell her what happened in the ER, just that I’d asked her out and she said no. I don't want to even voice my fears.
I watch her for a few minutes. Her slim, muscular legs are showcased in a pair of shorts, and she’s wearing cowboy boots. She has a tank top on, and Archer is in a carrier covering her chest. Her hair is in a braid down her back. Her thick bangs are hanging over her forehead. She turns and sees me, and instead of being a creeper watching her, I walk up to her.
"Hello, Coral." I lean over her slightly to peek into the carrier where Archer is sleeping. "And Archer," I whisper.
"You remember his name." She looks up at me, nearly bending her neck all the way back, and there is a look of shock in her eyes.
"Can't forget you two." I let her know how it is. "I can't stop thinking about you, Coral," I confess.
She shifts from foot to foot and lowers her head for a moment, then she tips her head back and looks at me again with a soft smile on her face.
"Me too." Her confession is so quiet. If I wasn't watching her lips, I wouldn't have known she said it.
Making sure she can see what I'm doing, I reach out and trace my fingers down her cheek. Her lips open, her tongue licks out, and she sighs as her eyelids flutter closed. I want to lean down and kiss her so bad. I cup her cheek and lean forward. Deciding not to scare her, I move to place a kiss on her forehead.
"Rowdy, there you are," a high-pitched voice says, causing the hair on the back of my neck to rise. Fuck! I pull back before I can feel Coral’s skin against my lips. I turn to see Melissa clicking down the aisle toward us in her high heels.
"Hello, Melissa." I keep my body facing Coral and my hand on her cheek. Coral’s body stiffens, and I look down as she pulls away from me.
"Rowdy, I heard the firehouse is having a family barbecue. If you give me enough notice, I can get time off." Melissa ignores Coral and moves in front of me. I reach for Coral to pull her toward me so Melissa will leave, but Coral is fast as she escapes my grasp. The next thing I know, she's pushing her cart down the aisle.
"Fucking A," I exclaim, and turn to Melissa. "I already have a date." Coral will be going with me. I'm done with this back-and-forth shit. "I gotta go." I ignore Melissa’s huff and turn to follow Coral, but her short legs carry her away from me faster than I thought they could. By the time I catch up to her, she's in the checkout lane. I watch for a moment, waiting until she's done to talk to her.
"I'm sorry, ma'am, your card was declined," the checker says to Coral.
"What? That’s not right. My money should have been deposited this morning," Coral argues.
"I'm sorry. It was declined for insufficient funds."
"Shoot. Okay. Can I just get the diapers, please?"
That leaves all the food and some other things on the belt.
Coral runs her card again and rushes from the store after the transaction is complete. I walk up as the cashier is clearing the belt.
"I'll pay for all that."