Page 47 of Twisted Surrender
“Shots fired. Sycamore Avenue. Jenson Lane. Other reports of cars street racing.”
My fists clench. This fucking gang waited for tonight. They knew about the party and were waiting for everyone to be distracted.
I grab a radio and run for the front door. “Show me heading to the scene.” The radio in my hand is set to all units and I hear Tom’s voice come over the air. Two officers in the station go racing out beside me.
“Talk to me, Casanova.”
“Chief? It’s Lakeshore. We’re three minutes out.”
“Make it one. I’m right behind you.” Jumping in and starting my patrol truck, I call Tom on the direct line.
“Tom. She’s not answering the phone and she should have been at the station almost an hour ago.”
“Wasn’t she setting up? Maybe she didn’t hear the phone ring.”
“No. She was coming to me first, and we were going together.”
Tom lets out a curse. “O’Brien, drive faster.”
I hang up the line and bang on the steering wheel. “Goddamnit, Daisy! You just couldn’t listen, could you?”
Within minutes, but what feels like hours, I’m pulling into Lakeshore. The place is lit up with red and white strobe lights. I nearly take out the officers that have the road roped off. I slam my car into park and jump out, leaving the door open. A radio in one hand and feeling for my gun at my waist, I rush past the first line, shaking off the hands that are trying to hold me back.
Another shot goes off and I drop to the ground. Quickly crawling to the nearest car, I duck behind it and radio Tom and Cash.
“Tell me.”
“Where are you?”
“I’m hiding behind a fucking car like a pussy! Now tell me before I run into the open to find her myself!”
“Stay down. It’s her home. We have it surrounded.”
I close my eyes and wait. I know. I just know what he’s going to say next.
“She’s inside, boss.”
My breath escapes me and I feel an immediate need to throw up.
“Chief Hunter. You there?”
“I’m here.” I croak out the words, my hand gripping the radio so tight it hurts.
“Listen to me. We’re going to get her out. Get your shit together right now and don’t you dare jeopardize her safety! You know better right now. You’ve been trained. Just because this is someone you know, doesn’t make knowing the right way to do things any different.”
He’s right. Swallowing down my fear, I watch as the spotlights seem brighter on her home. I listen to all the sounds around me. I hear the radio static and every breath of the officers behind me.
And then the bullhorn.
“We’ve got you surrounded. Surrender now. Come out with your hands up. No one gets hurt tonight, you hear me?” Cash calls out.
I stand from behind the car, making my way to the front of the scene, moving slowly, using cars as my shield until I’m standing beside Tom. We watch as Cash makes his way closer to the front yard, using a tree as his only protection right now.