Page 4 of Twisted Surrender
She’s got a perfect one. She entered the station that day with confidence and a sense of ownership that told me she knew what she wanted. She knew how to get it, and there’s no way you’d ever tell this woman no if she set her mind to do something. But when my daughter joined the interview after I sat there drooling over Daisy, I realized the woman in front of me was only twenty-three years old. And I’m forty-four.
What in the hell would I do with a twenty-three year old?
Teach her how a real man can treat his woman.
“You’re hired!” flew from my mouth and for the last four weeks I’ve been actively avoiding being alone with Daisy O’Malley.
I have a feeling this young woman would end up teachingmea thing or two before the night is over.
But with my controlling nature and always in charge attitude, am I ready to learn?
I love my job. I didn’t think I would ever end up working at a police station, but being on dispatch, on the other end of a call when someone calls for help, gives me a sense of purpose. I want to help everyone I come in contact with, especially those who can’t help themselves.
So when they call and I’m the voice to keep them calm, it fills my heart.
My boss, though? I’d like him to fill more than my heart.
I had seen pictures of Angelina’s dad from when he was my age. On her desk, she always displayed a few favorite photos of him in his uniform, holding her on his graduation day, and proudly standing next to her on her graduation day.
And he was drop dead fucking gorgeous. Tall, built without being over muscled and tan skin. His eyes, the most beautiful blue I’ve ever seen and sandy blonde hair. He was like a real life Ken doll, with a badge. Which only made him more tantalizing and untouchable.
I always loved a challenge.
I would picture him when using my battery operated boyfriend, and I’d make sure to let Angelina know how hot he was every chance I got. She’d just shake her head at me, so used to my over sharing.
I loved hearing about their relationship. She was raised by a good man and when she would speak about being worried that he’s lonely, it pulled at my heart.
He sacrificed the early years of his life where he should have been out partying, to instead care for his daughter. He gave up meeting anyone, gave up the chance to fall in love in order to devote all his love to Angelina. If that doesn’t express what kind of man he is, nothing does.
So when I walked into the station, into the interview room and saw that silver fox sitting there waiting for me? I decided right then and there I wanted him. The Vincent Hunter who interviewed me that day was a mature man with that same hot body and same muscles that showed in those pictures strewn around our college dorm room. He still possessed the strength to toss me around the bedroom, and still had those gorgeous eyes that undressed me every time he looked my way.
I was going to have him.
I slowly began to make my move. Approaching the Chief with anything other than work-related issues, felt like I was approaching a scared puppy. He wanted to be touched and loved, but he was afraid of getting kicked for being too eager. So I began by asking him questions about the town. I’d come into his office a few times a day with different thoughts or comments. Every time he’d walk by my desk, I’d say hello, reach out and brush his arm while asking a question. Anything to get his attention. Anything to get him thinking about me. And what I could do for him with my touch.
Only when he spoke of the Casanova Family, could I really get a glimpse of his true self. And when Cash O’Brien came in, those two had a banter between them that was so refreshing.
However, when I spoke about Angelina or asked questions about her childhood, he clammed up.
Daughter is off limits. Got it.
I’m no psych major, but I’m sure reminding him I’m his daughter’s best friend won’t get me into his bed.
“Good morning, Daisy!” Cash O’Brien has arrived at the station for his shift and when he enters, the room lights up. Cash has a talent for putting others at ease, which makes working with him a joy. He’s fun and always includes me in his conversation. We’ve developed a brother/sister type relationship in the few weeks I’ve been here. He’s a good-looking guy, but my sights are set elsewhere.
And Cash is onto me.
“Where’s the boss?” He winks at me, leaving no room to wonder if he knows how much I’d like to seduce our boss.
“Morning, Cash. He’s in his office.”
“Haveyoubeen in his office yet?”
I narrow my eyes at him, biting my lip to keep from smiling. “I haven’t been in theretoday.”