Page 31 of Twisted Surrender
It’s been so long now, not that I’ll ever forget, but the time has eased the anger, at least.
Until Daisy. Finding her has reignited my desperate need to protect.
She turns to her knees and crawls to me on the couch, sliding onto my lap, facing me. My arms automatically wrap around her back, slide to her hips, and back up. I just need to touch her. She’s comforting to me. She feels like home.
“Vince. I’m so sorry this happened to you. I’m sorry for your family and how this affected who you are today.” She runs her hands through my hair, tracing my forehead and down to my chin. “But the man you are today is exceptional. Whether or not you know it, you’ve taken a terrible situation and turned it for good. You used it for good for yourself, and for others.”
I tell her she’s wrong, but she cuts me off.
“And don’t tell me I’m wrong.” She taps my nose and smirks. “This town is lucky to have you leading them. Your friends are lucky to have you on their side. Your daughter is lucky to have you in her corner.” She swallows. I track her tongue, wetting her lips. “And I’m lucky to have you here.” She takes my hand and lays it on her heart. My own beats erratically because the words I’ve never uttered to another woman in that sort of way are desperately trying to escape my lips.
“What you take from my body, you have to be willing to take from my heart, too. Accept what I’m freely giving you. Iwantto give you everything. You deserve to have it.” She’s still straddling me and bears down on me. I don’t think she even knows she’s doing it, but we both have this need to just be closer to one another.
“Why do you think our physicality is so good? Because that’s where we’re most relaxed. And open. To do what we do? You have to trust. But you’ve still got a wall, Vince. And I don’t know if it’s my age, the fact I’m an employee or because of Angelina, but I’m not going anywhere. And the only thing that will chase me away is if you don’t open up to me. So this is on you. Are you ready?”
She’s begging for me. For my love. “What more of me is there? I’m an older, closed off guy with a broken childhood. You’re young and so full of life. Why get wrapped up with me?”
“I don’t see that guy like you do, Vince.” She traces my face again and around my eyebrows. “I see a good man, a protective man who has surrendered his own life to give back. There’s nothing sexier than that. The way people depend on you and know they can depend on you is to be admired.”
“But the one person who needed me the most never got closure.”
“You don’t think your daughter brings a piece of your sister around you every day? You don’t think the universe gave you a girl on purpose? Not as a replacement, but as a reminder that you’re more than capable of loving and being soft. You’re more than capable of moving on, not forgetting, but not letting it hold you back, either. Angelina told me a little, but she doesn’t know anything about your sister. She should, Vince. She should know her family history. She said her grandma told her she sees your sister’s attitude in her. I’m betting her ‘give it to you straight’ attitude is a direct part of your sister.”
I smile, because she’s right. God, Daisy just gets it. I love this part of her. She’s so open and able to see clearly. She’s not jaded and gives me a new perspective on ideas that I’ve closed myself off from.
“Do you forgive me?”
“Of course I forgive you. The part I need you to understand is that I was spoon-fed for so long, I need to know I can do things on my own. My parents are good people, but they’re too over protective. It’s why I went away to college. Why I’ve moved here. I need to be given the chance to do things on my own, Vince. I appreciate the windows, I really do, but let me learn on my own. Stand beside me for support. That’s all I want. I don’t need to be taken care of. I just need to know you’ll accept me for who I am.”
I brush her gorgeous red hair off her shoulder and run my hands down her arms. “You asked if I’m ready? I’m ready for you to show me everything you want and need from me. I want to be better for you. I’m a work in progress, Daisy, and you’ve invaded my thoughts every damn day since I’ve met you. Looks like I was just waiting for the right woman to come along.”
I’m a forty-four-year-old boyfriend. I repeated this phrase over and over to myself in the mirror, while shaving this morning. Then I laughed at myself. Being with Daisy last night, talking out what we expect and what we’re hoping for, was so unbelievably sexy. It never dawned on me that intimacy is what’s been missing in my life. Yes, the sex is outrageous, and I missed that too, but having someone to talk to, plan with, and care for? It’s what I need in my life.
Now, if I can just not be so overbearing while doing it, we’ll be good.
Learning curve.
Today has been a day. I was at the station early, going through reports. These break-ins have been a thorn in my side lately, but they’ve all been on the western limits of Christmas. Daisy lives on the eastern town line, but I still don’t like it. And I still need to approach the house subject with caution, but if she’s mine? Then she needs to be in my house.
End of story.
Snickering to myself, I can only imagine how that conversion will go.
The station filled quickly and being a Monday, there was a lot of action. Cash and Tom were in and out all day together. Seeing those two develop a camaraderie is exactly what I was hoping for. I need to check in with Tom’s brothers, though, and get the full scoop.
Daisy killed me all day. The moment she entered the station, she had me hard. We’ve gone a few too many nights not being together. And last night, our emotions were just too strong to go any further. It was intimacy at its finest. And yeah, sex would have been great, but it was more important to leave with a sense of togetherness for more than just our bodies. Our hearts need it, too.
But I’m desperate for her and seeing her beautiful face and that banging body had me tied up instantly. She teased me all day. Every time I walked onto the floor, her eyes followed me. She traced her lips while talking to me, and bit the end of the pen when I answered. And if she walked by my office, swinging those thick fucking hips one more time, I was going to break.
But it’s early evening now, and my distraction has kept me here late finishing up reports. Hearing a knock on the door, I call out to have them enter. Daisy walks in and I watch as she doesn’t say a word, but closes the door carefully. When she flips the lock, then closes the shades, my interest is piqued. I lean back in my chair, turning it to the side for a better view of her.
“Why are you here, Red? You want to continue to tease me?”
A small grin crosses her lips.