Page 28 of Twisted Surrender
He shrugs. “Definitely not old. But the new ones are going to hold just fine. That house probably sat empty for a long time, so who knows what it’s been through.”
Nodding once, I walk to the front, giving a wave to Al, the co-owner of Mooses, along with Billy. Getting in my truck, I head home, desperately fighting the urge to turn my truck around and drive straight to her. I know I should have asked her to let me do the work. But I knew if I did, and she said no, I would have to honor that. This way, she’s safer, even though I’m in the doghouse. I’d rather work for her forgiveness than lie awake worrying about her at night. I know I can’t force her to want my help, but doesn’t she see I’m doing it because I care?
I’ll admit, I enjoy having Vince take care of things for me. I’ve been over cared for my whole life that when it came time to move out and do it myself, I couldn’t wait. I love being able to depend on myself, not having to answer to anyone. If I screw it up, it’s on me. But speaking with Vince about the house and what I should focus on next has given me a new perspective. It’s made me realize I don’t have to be alone in making my decisions, but I don’t have to be overrun by someone else’s ideas either. I appreciate his advice and honestly? Having conversations about mundane things like home repairs has felt good. Normal. Like a proper relationship.
I don’t want to be coddled and held back. So I’m still figuring out how to feel about Vince handling it. He has the same heart I do. I want to help, give, make someone feel good. And so does he. He just does it abrasively. He does it his own way, like a bull in a china shop. He thinks of something to do, and it happens. A thought crosses his mind and he doesn’t analyze it. He reacts. It’s what makes him a great cop, a great leader. I’m lucky to know him.
Vince has been listening to my ideas with the house and giving me good insight back about what is priority versus what is cosmetic and what can be pushed to the bottom of the list. By having these conversations, I thought I finally got through to him I don’t need someone to take care of me. I only need someone to stand beside me.
His nature to handle all things battles with my nature to handle allmythings.
I’m pretty sure it’s his age, and the fact it’s just been him for so long, that makes him set in his ways. Angelina has let him do whatever he wants for her, but she’s also been living on her own for five years. So though he’s been helping and taking care of her, she’s not living with it daily.
Suddenly Vince has someone new in his life and he feels he needs to take care of daily.
I have the weekend off and though my original plan was to spend it naked with Vince, my new plan is to remain in my home and paint. I’m still unpacking a lot of boxes, working in one room at a time. I have to live here for a while before I feel complete about where things need to be. And every time I turn around, it seems things are not in the spot they should be.
“Pizza! Am I right on time?” Angelina knocks once, then throws open the door carrying two pizza boxes and two bottles of wine. Fuck. I didn’t lock it. Thank God it wasn’t Vince at the door.
“You always are! Now drop the pizza and grab a paintbrush!”
“Girl. I’m not here to work. I’m here to gossip.”
Smirking at her, “Yeah? Who you wanna gossip about? Caaassshhh?” I draw out his name and shimmy my hips.
“I am single now, you know!”
My eyes go wide. “Really? Oh my God! I can see it! You two would be perfect!”
“Slow your roll, sister. I’m too busy for a boyfriend, hence the reason I left Jack and his needy ways. And two? Can you imagine what my dad would do if he saw Cash and I together?” She laughs, loudly.
“He definitely wouldn’t give you a hard time about the age difference.”
Ruling her eyes at me. “Speaking of, what did you do to my old man?”
I turn on her so quickly I almost spill the paint can at my feet. “What did I do? Maybe it’s what he did! Did you see my house? Look at those fucking windows! You know I can’t afford them, yet here they are! All freshly installed.” I narrow my eyes as she hides a smile. “And done by those Casanovas you all love so much. Who are they? The town saviors? No family can be that perfect, I assure you.”
Marching over to her, getting more and more mad at her wide smile, I snatch the bottles from her and head to the kitchen. Using my automatic wine opener, I’ve got both bottles opened in ten seconds flat. When I turn, she’s got a smug look across her face.
“Don’t look at me like that! This and my bullet are the only two items always at one hundred percent charge in this house.”
“You’re justhangry.Let’s eat and drink, then you can yell all you want.”
“I don’t want to yell!” I yell and she giggles. Digging around for ice in the freezer, I grab two glasses and slam them on the counter, and continue, still, with my voice raised. “I don’t want to be mad! And I definitely don’t want to be here eating pizza with you!”
“Pour two glasses each. We’re going to need to be double fisted for this.”
Trying to hide my laugh, I open the cupboard and pull down two more and turn to her with my hand on my hip and a brow raised. “Okay smartass, double it.”
Angelina bursts into giggles and fills all four glasses. “If you don’t want to be here with me, where do you want to be?”
“In bed with your father!” My outburst has her doubling over in laughter. I can’t contain myself and I follow right behind her with the laughs. This is what a best friend is. Someone you can tell your darkest secrets to and say the most outlandish things to and they don’t shame you for it. They just pour an extra glass and let you yell about it.
“Come on, grab the pizza. We’re eating it straight from the box, on the floor, just like the old days in college.”