Page 53 of Orc Savage
Kian looks at me with a patient smile.
I have never been this annoyed in my life,I think as I swallow another scream.
“First, we focus on protecting this place. Then we find out who I am.”
I glare. But my annoyance disappears when Kian speaks the next words.
“Amara, I don’t care who I was before. This place is the most important thing in the world to me. I want to protect it. For me. But more importantly, for you. We’ll defeat these orcs and keep one of them alive to figure out who I am.”
My eyes burn with tears at his words, and I swallow the lump in my throat before I nod in agreement.
“Now, the rest of the pack has been fighting alone. We need to help them.”
Everything falls into place as we walk quietly through the forest.
Kian’s strength. His ability to kill the lion almost effortlessly. His strategic skills as we now face the orcs.
Whoever he was before, he was a warrior. He must have led an army or something. Whoever he was before, he was fearsome enough to make himself an enemy of orcs that would fight a pack of wolves to finish the job.
I am not sure if I am afraid of Kian, or afraid for him.
Am I afraid because of who he is becoming? Am I afraid because the past has arrived so suddenly?
Or am I afraid because he might become his old self and hurt me?
Who is Kian?
Kian, the Undefeated Gladiator!
Warrior! Fighter! Destroyer!
The words won’t leave me, no matter how much I force them out of my brain. I know that Amara is right.
I need to find out who I am. But that will have to wait. Because first, I need to defeat my enemies, even though I have no fucking idea who they are.
And second, I need to protect Amara and the rest of the pack. I need to protect the place, people, and animals that have become my home.
Who am I?
I think the more appropriate question is, who was I?
Who was the orc called Kian, the Undefeated Gladiator? Who was the orc who could kill so quickly, so easily, and so efficiently? Who was the orc who seemed able to strategize on the spot?
I think I know who I am now. I am the orc who has Amara. I am the orc who is part of a pack of wolves.
I am the orc who doesn’t cherish fighting but cherishes the woman who walks with me now.
Have I lost Kian the Undefeated Gladiator completely? Because even if my memories come back, I know I’ll still be the me that I am now.
“Let’s hide,” I say when I feel that we’ve walked enough. We haven’t come across any other orcs, although we can hear them blundering loudly through the forest.
A few minutes earlier, Amara let out a low whistle that only the wolves could hear. It was a signal for them to hide, too.