Page 47 of Orc Savage
I back up to give myself a good start and then, when I’m ready, charge directly towards him at a top speed. As I expect, he turns towards me, keeping his arms open.
At the last moment, I bound to the side and launch myself from that direction. Confused, he tries to turn at least his upper half towards me, but that just throws his balance off even further. I crash into his stomach and immediately, the two of us are on the ground, rolling again.
“How did you do that?” he cries, obviously shocked. “How can you possibly weigh enough to knock me down like that?”
“It’s not a matter of weight,” I say. “It's a matter of using your whole body and coming from a different direction than you expect me to.”
“I want to try that again. There’s no way you can do that to me twice.”
“If you say so,” I say, and I jump off him and back off. Again, he takes on that same stance, but this time, he’s on his toes rather than having his feet planted flat on the ground. Better agility – he’s learning fast.
I run up towards him, fake to the left, bound to the right, and leap.
But when I crash into him, he doesn’t offer any resistance at all. Instead, he snatches me against him, pulls me to his chest, and we both roll along the ground. When we come to a rest, he’s on top of me, smirking.
“That doesn’t count,” I say. “I still knocked you off your feet.”
He beams. “Oh, you’ve done that in more ways than one.”
Once again, I smell the scent of arousal on him. “I’m beginning to get the sense that you’re done with playing for now.”
He kisses me on the cheek. “Oh, I wouldn’t say that. I just wanted to try doing a different kind of game.”
I shiver. “Do you want to go back to the house?”
“No. I want to fuck you right here and now.”
I feel his hardness against my leg. I remember the time in bed, and suddenly, that’s what I want, too, more than anything else.
I had never really thought about it until this moment, but we can just do that, whenever we want. We don’t have to have anyone’s permission to fuck beside each other’s. And neither of us is what I’d call hesitant to give it.
I reach up and undo the belt around his waist. Quickly, he wriggles out of his clothes, and once again, I see him in all his strength and beauty.
He starts to pull off my clothes. It all feels so different this second time. All of the nervousness and fear that I felt back then is totally gone. It’s not a momentous occasion anymore. It’s just something that we’re doing because we want to.
Because we love each other.
“I could stare at you for hours,” I tell him.
I slip my clothes over my head.
“I can barely look at you for a few seconds before I want more,” he answers, and he grabs me by the waist and pulls me close to him. The forest around is peaceful and quiet, and the light and temperature are perfect. It’s as if nature herself wants us to have everything we need to do this.
I start to kiss his chest. With his hands, I explore the muscles at his back. At first, I stroke them gently, but then, I begin to massage them. Immediately, he moans, and I can feel his breath against my neck as I rub careful circles down his back.
“Fuck, you’re good at that,” he says.
“I can tell,” I answer smiling.
His hand caresses my side and then squeezes my breast. I run my fingers through his hair. He’s absolutely right. It really is just like another kind of playing.
“Well, I may still have a lot to learn from you about pouncing,” he begins. “But there’s one thing I do know how to do.”
And with that, he pushes the whole of his cock into me. I gasp at the sudden pleasure, and our lips lock together.
That first sex in the cabin felt absolutely magical. But there are two sides to that. It felt like this wonderful, perfect night, but not the kind of night that could ever become normal, the kind that you could relax into.
This is different. This is not sex as a performance or a ritual. This is just the two of us in the forest, loving each other. As long as Kian is in my life, I could have sex like this any time I wanted. And I would want it. And so would he.