Page 22 of His Wicked Obsession
“It’s the sweetest thing he’s ever done for me, and also the most erotic.” Isabel fans her face as we hear the baby gulping.
“Girl?” I ask, stroking the light tufts of hair on her head.
“Daphne.” She smiles. Bria and I share a look.
“Scooby Doo?” We all burst into giggles. We once caught the movie on an old T.V. in the church, and Isabel always loved Daphne’s sophistication and sense of style.
“It’s perfect,” I tell her.
We sit in silence, watching the infant for what feels like hours, when Isabel reaches out a hand for me. “How was your appointment today?” She squeezes my fingers reassuringly at my shocked expression. “Amalia told me.”
Sitting by her hip, I keep hold of her hand. “It was good. I’m going to keep going back. Dr. Rose has an understanding of me, of our lives, and what we’ve gone through. I think she’ll be good for me.”
“I’m so glad, Bella. When you came back to us, I saw the haunting in your eyes. I knew you were suffering.” My eyes drop; I thought I’d hidden it pretty well. “We know you, Bella, we know each other. Time doesn’t mean anything when we’ve survived what we did.”
Bria places her hands on my shoulders from behind. “We’re survivors, Bella. There’s no shame in feeling anything you do.”
“I know.” Wiping my face, I shake off the mood as Daphne releases Isabel’s breast. “She looks milk drunk.” We break out into a fit of laughter, causing everyone to rush into the room at the noise.
Pace comes immediately to Isabel’s side, taking the baby as she covers herself and burping the tiny infant before handing her to me. It’s instant love. Nothing is more precious than this little girl in my arms, and as I catch Donato’s eyes, my body feels like it’s bursting into flames when I catch the possessive look in his eyes.
I feel her eyes on me as I drive. They’ve not left the side of my face since I hustled her into the car. Watching Bella hold my brand-new niece stirred something inside of me…a desire, a need, a craving I hadn’t recognized before.
Since meeting Bella, I’ve had one goal: to get her to fall in love with me. I’ve made her many significant promises, and I meant every single one, but now? Now, I’m realizing just how badly I also thirst for them.
The image of Bella swollen with my child has been imprinted in my eyes for months. I never thought about the aftermath of that adventure; now I can, and I know. I need a piece of Bella that no one else has, and the way to get that is for her to have babies. Lots and lots of babies. As many as I can put in her.
The sun sets as we pull into my driveway. My grip on the steering wheel borders on painful as my white knuckles flex. My control is slipping. I can smell Bella’s desire, and every time she shifts in her seat, I get another whiff.
A growl rumbles in my chest when she whimpers. My eyes shoot to her to find she’s sweating and fidgeting with her seatbelt. “Get out,” I grunt as I do the same. Damn near body-checking the door panel before prowling around to her side.
When she doesn’t move fast enough, I tug the passenger door wide, scoop her over my shoulder, and take long strides up the stone path to the front entrance. Swinging the heavy wooden door open, I slam it shut before locking it and setting the alarm.
My thundering steps echo around the quiet house as I take the stairs two and three at a time. As soon as we’re in our bedroom, I whack that door closed, as well, before locking it and tossing Bella on our bed.
She lets out a squeak when she lands. I follow her down and imprison her between my arms, settling most of my body weight on hers so she can’t try to escape. Searching her mesmerizing green eyes, they sparkle with excitement and a hint of trepidation as her hands cup my biceps, where they lean beside her head.
“Daddy?” The innocent question has my head dropping into her neck to inhale deeply.
“I can fucking smell your desire, cara mia, and it’s driving me mad.” Sucking on her delicate flesh, I drag it between my teeth, gnawing on her like a wild animal with its next meal. “Seeing you holding that baby has me feeling all kinds of things I didn’t expect, and all I can think about is getting you pregnant. I fucking need it like my next breath.” Pulling back to study her face, a dreamy look takes hold, and I become addicted. “Tell Daddy it’s what you want, too.”
Her eyes pop open, and I get lost in their magical luster as I await her response. “I want you, Donato. I want everything with my sweet, loving, alpha Daddy.”
My control snaps. Tears to shreds inside my chest cavity.
I can’t control my actions as I do the only thing that makes sense.
Tearing her clothes from her body, I keep an eye on her face to ensure I’m not too rough, but she’s right there with me. Our humanity has been quashed, and our baser instincts take centerstage. Millions of years of evolution strip away as she lies there panting, writhing on the bed like a bitch in heat, and I’m stuck staring. Marveling at the beauty laid out bare before me.
“I’m going to worship you,” I growl as I drop onto her. Bella’s thighs fall open to accommodate my size. “This time is going to hurt. I need it hard and fast, and so do you, but next time, I’ll treat your perfect little cunt to the eating out it deserves. Okay?” She agrees, and a second later, I slam inside her tightness.
She screams.
I groan.