Page 1 of His Wicked Obsession
She did it.
Bria broke free.
My best friend, the other half of my soul, is finally living the life she was always destined to receive. I couldn’t be happier for her and Maso—a man who broke through all her barriers and showed Bria she deserved the love she refused to allow anyone else to give her.
Even me.
As I gaze out the back of my palatial home, my insides feel as tumultuous as the storm crashing onto our tiny island. Lightning sparks the sky, thunder rattles the ground, and as I open the door and step out into the pouring rain, I consider the risk.
The danger I face.
I always knew my sister would find that epic kind of love one day, but I’d be a liar if I didn’t say that I had hoped I’d have her to myself for a few years before it happened. However, it wasn’t meant to be. I’m once again left behind, afraid of my own shadow. Living in a home with someone who carries more secrets than he’ll ever share with me.
Lude Vella is a good man with a dark side that he hides from me. It’s why I can never love him, much as I want to, and honestly, I don’t think he knows how to love. Not me, anyway.
No one wants to love me.
Except him.
My stalker has been circling the drain for weeks. I feel his presence...the sinister stares and late-night visits. He’s here now. It’s the reason for the danger I face.
I don’t know if he means me harm, but I’m sure, eventually, my time will come.
And at this point, I’m hoping it’s sooner rather than later.
The pain I live with every day has become far more than I can bear, and I’m ready to meet my maker.
“Hello, darling.”
Voices, voices, everywhere. In the corner and on the stairs.
Voices, voices, invading peace. Taking space.
Voices, voices, everywhere…
I sing the silly song I made up to try and maintain my sanity. I no longer discern when I’m hearing it or when I’m imagining it.
“Hello, darling.” Every morning like clockwork.
Nine a.m. on the dot. The deep baritone lacks warmth and humanity, but I don’t know if it’s intentionally mechanistic. I’m always alone when I hear the menacing syllables. Nobody else picks up on them, and I’ve stopped asking so I don’t get the weird looks.
I’m fairly certain the household staff thinks I’m nuts at this point, but they smile politely and continue with their duties.
Lude hasn’t been home in two weeks, either, because of business with his brother Natan, so I can’t even speak to him about what’s happening. The fears I have. I’ve spent far too much time on the internet reading about people who hear voices in their heads, and I don’t like any of the answers I’ve come across.
I want to call Bria, to hear her voice. One that I know is real. I want to confide in her what’s been happening, but I don’t want to burst her bubble of blissfulness. Maso has spent so much time making sure everything is perfect for my twin, and I know she finally feels like she fits in with his family.
Which leaves me alone to suffer with the uncertainty and doubt.