Page 36 of Time Bomb
After the kids are buckled in, I steal a moment behind the SUV to kiss my wife on the back of her neck. “Mmm, what was that for?” She turns, wrapping her arms around my neck, her protruding belly doing nothing to stop me from feeling every one of her curves.
“Just thinking how lucky I am. How special you are. How much I love our life.” Nipping along her jaw until I snag her lips, I kiss her sweetly until she’s breathless and panting. “Thank you for giving me this life.”
“Back at you, Torque. I couldn’t imagine a more perfect husband or children.” This time she drags me in until Aiden and Abigail call us gross and beg to go.
Perfection…right in my arms.
The End!
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Keep reading for a look into Dorian’s book, coming in 2024.
Dorian & Clementine
“Sweet fucking Jesus, what the fuck are you doing?” I hiss at the girl in front of me as she stands naked, dripping wet from a shower she just walked out of.
“Please, don’t act like you haven’t seen it before,” she sasses back as she walks to her room.
“That’s not the fucking point.” What I wouldn’t give to follow after her, lick the water dripping off her perky tits. Suck it off those large, dusty pink nipples.
“What is the point then, Uncle Dorian?” She’s playing with fucking fire.
“Not your uncle.” It’s what I keep telling myself so I can get through these visits, since my little sister, Kelly, recently married Clementine’s father.
Clem just turned eighteen a few weeks ago, and she has made no bones about the fact that she wants me to fuck her hard and dirty. We’ve met a total of four times.
Once at the rehearsal dinner.
On the wedding day.
A month ago, where she pulled a stunt just like this one, only she had zero shame and bent over in front of me, showing off her round ass and that beautiful puckered little asshole of hers that I can’t get out of my head.
And now today. Where she’s naked. Again.
And we’re alone in the fucking house.
I’m so fucking screwed.
“Doesn’t it feel a little like you are, though?” She turns, showing me every sexy curve and a freshly shaved pussy that is wet for other reasons than it should be.
“Can’t fuck my niece,” I groan out. I didn’t mean to say that aloud. I’m at war with myself over whether to acknowledge our relationship or not. She’s not my niece, but she’s my sister’s stepdaughter, and I’m constantly contradicting myself. Trying to convince myself one way or the other that I shouldn’t feel shame at being attracted to her because we aren’t blood-related, but then admonishing myself that nothing can happen because of Kelly and Aaron. It’s a no-win.
Clem doesn’t miss a fucking beat, either. A slow, calculated smile graces her face as she saunters towards me, her tits jiggling with each step until there’s no space left between us.
“So, you do plan to?” Her hand lays gently on my chest, slowly gliding down to the belt in my jeans.
“No.” My will must be stronger than my needs, my desires. I have to resist. “Don’t do that,” I warn, my voice a growl. Clenching my fists, I resist the urge to touch her, throw her against the wall and fuck her until she begs me to stop.
“I don’t think of you as family, you know.” Her delicate fingers pull the leather of my belt from my jeans. The sound vibrates around us. “I love Kelly, but more like a friend. My best friend. And you’re just her big brother.” The fucking taunting is going to break me.