Page 13 of Time Bomb
I should say no. I should leave, go home, take the world’s coldest shower and try to remember that I don’t sleep around. Instead, I reply, “Okay.”
I don’t have time to do anything else as he picks me up and carries me to his room. Before I know what’s happening, I’m encased in one of his shirts, he’s setting an alarm for when I need to get up, and I’m snuggled into his side, drifting off into the best night’s sleep I’ve ever had.
I’m in so much trouble.
“That’s it?” Laken gapes at me as I restock the display case with muffins and cookies. She happened to notice I didn’t come home last night and was here before the shop opened to get all the details.
It’s been two hours of pure interrogation since then, and now that there’s finally a lull in traffic, she’s determined to wheedle more out of me. But there’s nothing else to tell.
“We slept. All night. No funny business,” I repeat for what feels like the tenth time.
“He didn’t even try?” I shake my head. “Wow.”
That causes me to pause and straighten to look up at her. “Wow, what?” Hands on my hips, I wait for her answer as I hear the jingle of the door opening.
Peyton from next door smiles as I turn to face her. “You look different,” she comments as I start her order. Iced caramel latte is her poison. She stops in at least once a day for one.
“She slept with a man last night,” Laken whispers. Peyton’s jaw drops, nearly bouncing off the floor.
Rolling my eyes, I hand her the drink. “We didn’t have sex.” I keep my voice low.
Laken rolls her eyes this time. “You should have.”
“Your hormones are out of control,” I snap back at her.
“Oh! Speaking of which, I brought you these.” Peyton hands Laken a small bag filled with cookies.
“Sugar-free?” Laken squeals when Peyton nods. “You are the absolute best.” Reaching across the counter, she pulls Peyton in for a hug. The young woman’s eyes widen because she’s not used to such enthusiasm. When it comes to personal relationships, she’s introverted and insecure, but when she’s in her store, helping her customers, she’s so outgoing. Peyton is hands-down one of the kindest people I know, but she can be a bit confusing.
“Oh! You know what? I say the three of us do a girls’ night. Dinner, drinks, dancing. There’s this cute little place downtown that I saw on my last OB appointment.” Laken’s eyes alight with excitement as she says this.
“Firstly, you can’t drink.” I look pointedly at her belly. “Secondly, Peyton isn’t old enough to drink.” And I don’t have a thirdly to get myself out of it.
“Could Hope come too? She doesn’t get out much. I don’t think she minds, actually. Her husband is kind of obsessed with her. Especially since the babies.” Peyton’s hopeful question has me saying yes. There’s no way I can turn either of these girls down.
“Yes!” Laken practically screams. Lord, she is a whole new woman from the first time I met her. Hale and Jesse have been the best thing to ever happen to her. “We’ll all meet at Ophelia’s at six?” Her head bobs like she’s answering for us.
“Fine. Six at my place.” My reluctance is contradicted when I give them a bright smile.
By closing time, my feet are killing me, my back is in some serious need of an adjustment, and all I want is to either soak in a hot bath or crawl between the sheets with Torque again. Because sleeping with him? It was like having my own furnace. He kept me warm, and for once, I didn’t wake up coated in sweat from a nightmare. I’ve never felt more peaceful than I did in his arms.
But as I walk home, my phone dings with a text from Peyton, asking if I’m sure about tonight and Hope coming along. Of course, I’m sure. Especially now that she’s concerned about it.
Rushing through a hot shower to help soothe some aches, I quickly pin my mess of curls on my head and slip into a flowy dress that I don’t get to wear often. The thick straps cover my shoulders, the bodice is tight but not indecent, and the skirt billows out just below my butt cheeks and reaches my knees. It’s cute but respectable with just a hint of sexy.
As I slip my two-inch wedge sandals on, I hear the doorbell and immediately recognize that it’s Laken because it rings three more times. She has zero patience lately, and I think it has a lot to do with the bun in her oven.
I know she’s excited to give birth, but I can also tell she’s terrified. Her past seriously screwed her up, and no matter the assurance Hale gives her, she’s still afraid but valiantly tries to hide it.
Opening the door, I’m greeted by her exclaimed, “Wow.” Her eyes flitter around my dress as she comes inside.
“Is it okay?” I’m suddenly self-conscious about it. I don’t get to wear many girly things because of the coffee shop, but I do like them.