Page 85 of Rise To Power
I chuckled, stood, and stuffed a few more things into my suitcase. “You know that isn’t happening. We’d both get our asses handed to us.”
“Wewon’t tell. You know I can keep a secret.”
“Dee, I can’t.”
She slowly shook her head, clearly pissed, and stood. “You’re selfish, Ally. You know how I feel about Lanny.”
“I do, and I know he cares about you, but you’re sixteen. You can’t stay in his hotel room. They’ll be late, and I won’t be back tonight.”
She stomped toward the door. “Have fun.” Her words dripped with sarcasm. “I’ll figure out something to do here. Probably game. Maybe Lanny will be online.”
My door slammed as it closed.
Hopefully, Orlando would be gaming because just hearing her say she’d be online sent a shiver of worry snapping down my spine. Sixteen and infatuated. I’d been there, and it sucked.
But unlike me and Marco, there was never going to be a Deidre and Orlando.
Once my bag was packed, I hobbled out of my room. I stood at the top of the stairs and grimaced. Holding the suitcase on my left side, I held to the polished mahogany handrail with my right hand, and carefully limped my way down one step at a time.
Tim came around the corner as I shuffled onto the last step.
“I need a ride.” With the boot and limited mobility, I couldn’t drive.
Tim folded his arms across his chest. “Where to, because you don’t need an overnight bag for a ride to Vintage Brew?”
I braced a hand on my hip. He should be happy I was coming to him for the ride. This was the same guy who gave me shit about ditching him to sneak away.
“I live for more than just coffee. But if you’re too tired to drive me, I can call a rideshare.”
“Let’s go.” He grabbed my bag from my hand.
I shuffled along beside him. At the stone steps, I held on to Tim as I made my way down. Once at the car, he tossed my luggage into the backseat as I slid into the passenger seat.
He climbed behind the wheel. “Are you going to tell me where we’re going?”
“The Onyx Hotel, and you can just drop me off.”
“Are you fucking crazy? What the fuck, Ally? Telling you I’d cover for you didn’t mean taking you to fuck around on Marco.” He curled his fingers around the steering wheel with a tight fist. “Fuck, if Marco finds out he’ll kill you.”
I raised a brow but let him continue since he was on a roll.
“I love you too much. Fuck me. No. Do you know what mafia men do to wives who cheat? You’d wish you were dead.” He stared at me across the console. “Do you have anything to say?”
“Yes, take me to the hotel.” I smiled. “Marco is coming back tonight. I’m going to be waiting for him.”
He sagged against the seat. “Fuck you.”
“No, because I’m starting to like you and then we’d both be dead.” I smirked. “I’m glad to know you love me, but you should probablylock that shit down, too.” I put on my seatbelt. “And I do want to make a stop at Vintage. I need a nonfat chai, and you look like you could use a shot of something. Might as well be an espresso. The tequila is in the house.”
He pushed the start button. “I must be a glutton for punishment, or else I have a death wish because you’re fucking killing me.”
Thirty minutes later, I held my drink, and Tim carried my bag. Gone was the easy humor. He walked with a possessive power one step behind me. His gaze marked every person we passed. As I stepped up to the registration desk, Tim stood protectively behind me.
Nothing but luxury ethos at the Onyx. Above us, a bent and twisted steel rail surrounded themezzanine floor where the bar, boutique, and spa were located.I smiled at the woman behind the desk. “Allegra Jilani. Marco Bruno’s room please.”
Before I could say more, the hotel manager rushed over to me and rested his hands on the marble and brass counter. “Mrs. Bruno, I’m the manager of the Onyx. It’s an honor to have you staying with us. The penthouse is ready for you.” He set an access card on the counter as the porter approached. “We’ll see to your bags and escort you to your suite.”
“Thank you.” I swiped the card into my hand.