Page 70 of Rise To Power
“You do understand that you are my only assignment now. Where you go, I go. That’s it. What do you think I did the minute you took off?”
I didn’t speak. Timoteo, who just went by Tim, had worked for my family since he was old enough to have a job. Before that, we’d been in school together, but he was a couple years older than me, and happened to be best friends with my brother. Not to mention, a total douche growing up.
Back then and now, I didn’t trust him not to run to Santino with every little thing I did.
“Just tell me what you think I did.”
He grabbed my biceps and pushed me against the tree. “When you took off, I went to the control room. If anything happens to you, Santi is going to freak the fuck out. What do you think your future husband is going to do to me?”
“I’m old enough to leave the house.”
He raked his fingers through his dark hair. His jaw clenched. “As soon as I realized you were going over the wall, I went after you. I saw you get in the white car. Who was in the car, Ally?”
I crossed my arms over my chest. “A girl. Blonde, cute, but I don’t know her name.”
He took a step closer. “You got into a car with someone you don’t know.”
I pushed on his chest. “You can cut the intimidation tactic. I don’t know the rideshare drivers. I needed to get out of the house. I went to the park.”
No doubt he’d find out anyway. All he had to do was access my phone to see I’d ordered a pickup and learn the location of the drop off. But that’s all they’d find in my phone.
“I don’t like this assignment any more than you do,” he said. “If you ever pull that shit again, you won’t be taking a crap without me in the room.”
My lips twitched with a smile.
“You think I’m joking. Your brother will have my balls if something happens to you. As for Marco, I’d prefer to stay on the payroll of The Enforcer.” He took a step back from me. “Don’t fuck me over, Ally. You want to go somewhere, I’ll take you.”
I pushed away from the tree. I hadn’t considered the risk to Tim. I knew I was safe, but he didn’t. “I’m sorry. Next time, I’ll have a better plan, so you’re not caught in the middle.”
“Fuck me. Next time?”
I shrugged and started toward the house. “Maybe I can get you a new assignment.”
He followed me. “I wish.”
“Tim, does Santi have the computers monitored? I mean, like mine and Dee’s.” My stomach did a few twists and turns.
“Of course. But it’s not like someone is sitting around watching. All keylogging is archived. Why? What the fuck are you doing now?” He turned in a circle, clawing his hands over his scalp. “Shit, you’re going to get me killed.”
“I wish.”
“I don’t doubt it.”
We kept walking, and the grip on my chest loosened. Plan A was to get Deidre to see the dangers of the chatroom. She was a gamer. Getting her to quit all together would be asking her to give up her friends.
It would have been like asking me to give up Knox.
I’d say never, just like I knew she would. I hope I didn’t need a plan B.
Tim continued to chat as we approached the house. “Ally, I understand your frustration. It sucks to be watched. You’ll get my teeth kicked down my throat if you repeat it, but I think Marco’s a dick. It’s been two fucking years of waiting, and he shows up and acts like he owns you.”
“It’s not an act. He does.”
“I’m not finished. I get it. If you were my wife—”
“Oh, that would never happen.”
“I’m done talking to you.” He stomped ahead.