Page 60 of Rise To Power
I chuckled. “We both know he was shackled to your pussy.” He couldn’t take a shit without her knowing. Part of me wondered if taking Giada from Luca was my father’s way of forcing Luca to go to America. Luca had a need for power and control, especially over his women.
Giada was submissive to no one.
Savio was her salvation. Just as Luca had sacrificed for him, I would as well and spare Giada. Because right now I wanted blood. I wanted information, and my usual ways of compliance weren’t an option.
She unfurled from the couch and stood. “If I controlled your father, you wouldn’t be engaged to the American.”
“Enough about Allegra. She’s not part of this discussion.” I stood and stalked closer to her.
“Then you’ll never get the answers you want.”
“Don’t make an enemy of me, Giada.”
“I’m not your enemy. I’ll tell you everything I know, but I beg you to reconsider the marriage. Ask yourself if war with the Irish is really in the best interest of this family. Your father was obsessed with expansion into America. Luca was killed for it.”
“Besides you, who else knew my father would be at his club?”
“What makes you think I knew?”
“Someone had access to his schedule.”
She was quiet. “Your father never made a decision without Andre.”
And Andre was also dead.
An hour passed, and I’d steadily poured more alcohol into my system. My mind floated on the numbing intoxication, finally giving me a reprieve from the constant drone of condolences and questions.
A dark-haired beauty had Ant engaged in the corner.Francesca.My gaze raked up her curvy body from her stilettos to the contours of her heart-shaped ass.
Her gaze shifted to me, and a seductive smile curled her lips, undoubtedly anticipating my fist around the sleek ponytail high on her head as I fucked her mouth. She’d be disappointed.
I slammed the rest of my drink. Standing, I locked gazes with Ant and gave a subtle shake of my head. Before Francesca could intercept me, Ant had his hand on her hip.
“Not tonight,” he said to her as I slipped past.
Not fucking ever again.
I grabbed the bottle of brandy and a glass off the bar.
Back in my room, I stripped out of my suit coat, poured a drink, and climbed onto my bed. After I switched on the night table lamp, I turned off the overhead light.
Getting comfortable, I kicked off my shoes, unbuttoned my shirt, grabbed my phone, and stared at my earlier text messages from Allegra.
Marco: Tell me your secret.
As I waited for her response, I unbuckled my belt.
Allegra: I’m alone in my room.
I smiled and sipped my drink.
Marco: Are you in bed?
Allegra: Yes.
Marco:Ti immagino qui con me.