Page 158 of Rise To Power
Neither Allegra nor Timoteo had called or sent a text throughout the day, but I wasn’t surprised. The antics of a sixteen-year-old brat were nothing but a distraction.
Ant parked in front of the house.
“We won’t be here long,” I said to Stefano and Carmine. Just long enough to collect my wife. I buttoned my suit coat as I walked up the steps of the portico. Ant knocked on the door.
“Marco.” Timoteo heaved a sigh. “You’re here.”
I stepped into the foyer. “The delay was unavoidable. How is Deidre?”
He glanced over his shoulder. “No news. There is no location on her phone after the park. Security cameras in the area see her getting into a white Camry. The vehicle is a dead end. We can’t get a view of the license plate. There are a fuck ton of white Camry’s registered in the city.”
“She’s not here.” I’d assumed… Fuck. “Where is Allegra?”
He led us toward the library. “She’s resting in her room. She’s worried. I think the stress wore her out.”
I paused at the threshold of the library. They’d set up a command center. One of Jilani’s men worked on the computer.
“Emilio sent over his package results.”
“Got it.” The man at the computer clicked a few keys. “The phone is registered to the BrioFagan Group.”
“Are you sure?” I asked. The hair on my neck prickled.
“Yes, do we know them?” the guy at the computer asked.
My gaze met Santino’s. We both knew the name. I doubted the Jilani family understood the connection to my wife and her fucking secret.
“Fuck!” I spun on my heels, ran through the house, and rushed up the stairs two at a time. Fuck. I stormed down the hall and threw open her bedroom door.
The room was empty. Rushing across the hall, I checked Deidre’s room.
I spun toward Ant. He, Stefano, and Santino had followed me up the stairs. “Where is she? Where is my wife?”
“What aren’t you telling me?” Santino demanded. “Have you already made a move against the Irish? Why do they want Dee?”
“Where is Allegra?”
“How the fuck should I know?” He pushed past Ant.
Stefano entered the bedroom, presumably to check the bathroom and balcony. However, if she were here, she’d already be involved in the argument defending the Irish.
“Find her,” I said to Ant. “Get Timoteo, order a search of the house and the property.”
“What about Dee?” Santino asked. “Marco, what’s going on?”
I flared my nostrils on an inhale. “I’ve recently discovered one of their soldiers has an interest in my wife.”
“As a way to get to you? Killing your family wasn’t enough. Now, they take my sister.”
I closed the space between us. “The Irish aren’t responsible for my brother’s death.” I glared at Santino. “The Irish had infiltrated your family before my arrival. If you want answers, find my wife.”
Santino turned and went down the stairs.
Stefano came up behind me. “I didn’t want to speak in front of anyone.” He held out his hand. “It was on the nightstand.”
My gut pitched and rolled. A wave of dark energy crashed over me. I was drowning. I touched the ruby. My pulse raced, and my heartbeat raged. They wouldn’t find Allegra. There was only one reason for her to remove her ring.
Perhaps my wife failed to understand the meaning of ‘til death do us part.’