Page 113 of Rise To Power
I stood on the balcony. Although Marco had left me feeling cold and alone, the morning sun was warm on my face. Still, a chill settled in my bones. We always had choices. I’d lost the man who’d stolen my heart when I was fifteen.
But no one would die. I’d be back home, and I could keep Deidre safe.
“Ally?” Tim’s voice cut through the disbelief. I wanted to find someone to blame, to make this mess anyone’s fault but my own.
I spun around. Tears streamed down my cheeks. “I’m sorry.” I could barely speak the words.
Tim slid his hands into his pockets. “It’s time to go.” He glanced over his shoulder. Marco stood near the elevator with Ant and Orlando. “We’ll talk later.” He kept his voice low.
I nodded and took a step toward him. “Just take me home. My mom will take pleasure in telling me ‘I told you so’. She can spend the rest of my life blaming me for my failed engagement.”
“You’re still engaged.”
“Not for long. Marco hates me. Orlando hates me. Santi is going to be livid.” I rested a hand on Tim’s arm.
He pulled back, putting space between us. “Marco isn’t taking you home.” He spoke quietly without appearing to whisper. “The Enforcer wants information. You’ve made yourself his enemy, Ally.”
And the hits kept coming.
No one spoke as I rode down the elevator with Marco and Tim. Ant, Emilio, and Orlando waited in the lobby with several other soldiers. My breath caught at the display of power to see a dozen intimidating Italian men dressed in black suits.
Marco was determined to take over the city. Even my brother’s soldiers deferred to Marco, eager to become part of the Bruno organization.
Flanked by Tim on my right and Troy on my left, we made our way out of the hotel and into the caravan of SUV’s. Tim held the door for me. Troy slipped on sunglasses and slid into the driver’s seat.
Marco joined Emilio and a couple soldiers in the vehicle in front of us. Orlando drove his new sports car and the rest of the men rode in two other Range Rovers. I stayed quiet in the backseat. We drove east, in the opposite direction of taking me home.
“Tim, where are we going?”
He stared out the windshield. “To the Bruno estate.”
“I need to go home.” A tingle chased along my spine. I needed to talk to Dee.
“Boss gave specific instructions,” Troy said.
I chewed my bottom lip. “Tim, can I use your phone?”
His shoulders stiffened. “No.”
I leaned forward. “Why?”
Finally, he spun toward me. “Don’t you get it, Ally? You’re in serious shit. No, you can’t use my phone. We won’t be chatting like friends. I’m no longer your protection. I’m your fucking prison guard. Sit the fuck back and shut the fuck up.”
Holy, fuck. Was he serious?
“It’s ten in the morning, and I already need a drink,” he said to Troy.
Me, too. I wanted to ask questions and struggled to keep myself composed. Would Marco really make me a prisoner in my own home? Why marry me, knowing I had divided loyalty? I might be naïve, but I wasn’t stupid. Marco still wanted the alliance between our families.
We pulled up to the property. The gate swung open, we drove past two soldiers, and circled around to the top of the driveway.
Without waiting for Tim, I swung the door open. A few changes had been made to the estate, and more was still being done. Two work trucks parked along the west side of the property.
Marco stepped from his vehicle. His gaze briefly connected with mine, then he walked ahead with Emilio.
Once inside the house, Tim pointed to the stairs. “Marco would like you to wait in your room until he’s ready.”
I glanced up at Tim. “Ready for what?”