Page 57 of Surviving Skarr
I need to go after her, I decide. Clutching the warmest furs to my skin, I drag them across the hut with me to retrieve my leather pants, and then my boots. I pull one boot onto my foot—
—and the door flap swings open, letting in frigid air and a swirl of snow.
“Whew!” Vivi says as she comes back in, her arms laden. “It iscoldout there!”
“It is cold in here, too,” I grumble, but I notice her cheeks are flushed pink and she is smiling. Shelikesthe cold weather, and I feel a sharp stab of despair. Perhaps I am not the best mate for her after all.
“Good news. There’s a blizzard,” she tells me cheerfully, shifting a pack off her shoulders and setting it onto the floor of the hut.
“Why is that good news?”
“Because it means that this sort of weather isn’t the norm. It’s the outlier.” She tosses down a few more furs and unhooks a couple of bulging bags at her belt. “There’s no community fire this morning. Gail flagged me down when I was heading toward it and invited me into their hut for a few minutes. They gave me some supplies since they figured we didn’t have any and told us to hole up like everyone else. No one’s going anywhere.”
She seems pleased by this statement, even as she busily pulls a few large sticks out and starts to set them up at the edges of the fire pit.
“I should have helped you with all this,” I grumble, flexing my hand under the blankets. It aches, just like my feet and the tip of my tail do. Actually, everything aches with cold right now.
“I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself,” Vivi replies, bending the poles to lash them into a tripod. “You can help prep the food if you like. I have some dried meat and roots and we’re going to make a hot stew. Gail also gave me a skin full of tea, though it might be lukewarm by now. Did you know there’s a shell here that looks like a funnel? I’m going to have to find one for myself. Handy little thing. It made getting the tea in the skin really easy.”
She’s talkative this morning, and I can’t help but feel more like a useless fool at her side. “I can make the food,” I grumble, and dig through the packs. There are two different kinds of roots in the first pack, and I pick the first one up, holding it out to her. “This root?”
Vivi takes it from me, and as she does, her fingers brush mine. “Skarr, you’re like ice again!”
“Am I?”
I watch as she immediately strips off her clothing, her lips pursed with focus. She flings her tunic aside, revealing her pretty, bouncy little teats again and then her boots and leggings come off. I open one corner of the furs, inviting her in, and I love that she immediately sprawls against me, pressing her warm—so keffing warm—body against mine.
Groaning with the pleasure of it, I immediately extrude again, like a foolish boy. “Ignore that.”
She chuckles and slides her arms around my neck, tilting her face toward mine. I kiss her, brushing my lips against hers, and her tongue teases against mine. For a long moment, the world is silent as Vivi kisses me, all hot, wet mouth and thrumming khui. When she pulls away, she lets out a little sigh of pleasure and wriggles against my throbbing cocks. “Better now?”
“If I say yes, are you going to get up?” I pull her closer so I can feel her nipples drag against my skin. They get tight and hard when I touch her, little pebbles of flesh that I’m just dying to take into my mouth again. “Because if that is the case, no. I am frozen solid and need your body against mine at all times.”
My joke lands poorly. Her smile turns into a line of worry, and this time when she runs her hands over me, there is no desire to it, only fear. My cocks shrivel and threaten to slide back into my body. “Skarr, I want you to tell me when the cold bothers you. I don’t want to get into the same situation like we did last night.”
“Last night, when I woke up with my mouth upon your teats? I did not mind that.”
Her expression hardens. “Last night when you were so cold and unresponsive I thought you were dead.”
Her tone is as wintry as the landscape, and my cocks retreat fully. “I am not weak—”
“It’s not about weakness! It’s about knowing your vulnerabilities so they can be accounted for!”
“Bah. I have no vulnerabilities.”
Her nostrils flare and she looks enraged. “You’re being a stubborn ass and I want to kick you right now.”
“You want to spar?” I am not sure I will be at my best, but if Vivi wishes to try me out, I will go easy on her.
“No, I just want to inflict damage because you’re making me angry.” She presses her fingers to my face, testing my skin, and then gets up again, unfolding her long legs. Her teats tighten to pricks of pink in the chill of the hut, and she adds a few more cakes to the fire and finishes the tripod.
I remain quiet, because I do not know how to appease an angry female. Nothing in my arena training has prepared me for this. I know how to put an opponent in a headlock, not how to make them smile at me. I need more of the resonance mind control, like I’rec suggested. Presents work, and pleasuring her.
Ah, I should pleasure Vivi. I eye her naked, shivering body as she chops food for the stew. I try to help with the knife, but she glares at me so hard that I pull my hand back. I offer her a fur to wrap over her shoulders instead, and this she takes—but glares at me anyhow.
Pleasure, definitely, I think. She liked it when I licked her teats, but it did not make her cry out like Flor did when I’rec was touching her. Then again, Flor screamed that she was sitting upon his face. So he could tongue her cunt? He mentioned that before, as well. I lick my lips, eyeing Vivi’s lean form as she stands. There’s a teasing little tuft of hair over the cleft of her cunt, hiding everything from my sight.
I bet I could lick her there and she wouldn’t scowl at me.