Page 21 of Escape from Rage
They entered the room, and Carly and Phoe got busy placing the teddy and REM Pod down.
“Hello there. My name is Phoe, and this is Carly. We came to visit you today. We don’t mean any harm,” Phoe said clearly as she waved the EVP recorder around.
Phoe looked hopeful but didn’t hear anything.
Calamity was intensely grateful for that.
“Was this your room with all the dolls?” Carly asked.
“Did you live here or come to get better?” Phoe inquired.
After several moments, they turned the recorder off and played it back. There was no response.
“We did see that damn doll move,” Blaze stated.
“Yes, let’s check it out,” Phoe said.
Calamity watched as Phoe and Blaze tried everything to get the doll to move, but nothing worked. Puzzled, Phoe stared at it.
“Do you think we captured a ghost child playing?” she asked.
“Not sure,” Calamity finally answered.
“Let’s leave a motion sensor here,” Carly suggested.
“Good idea,” Andi agreed, although she sounded quite shaken.
“Not so sure ghosts do not exist, are you?” Phoe teased Andi, who scowled and turned away.
Leaving the room, they searched the rest of the floor and encountered nothing else. They were discussing what to do next when a squeal interrupted them.
Calamity peered around, puzzled.
“The motion sensor!” Carly cried and took off down the hallway with Phoe on her heels. The others sighed and swapped glances before chasing after them. They caught the two women standing outside the doll room with their mouths open.
“Look at that!” Phoe squealed in excitement.
The doll had been turned around to face the wall.
“Let me check the static camera,” one of the cameramen said. He moved to where it stood and rewound the footage. His eyebrows rose as we crowded near him to see what had happened. The doll had been facing frontwards when the motion sensors went off, and then it was turned around.
“Holy crap. Rewind that. Can anyone see anything?” Phoe exclaimed.
They all peered at the footage again, but nobody could see anything. One second, the doll-faced forward, and the next, it was being turned.
“Explain that!” Phoe crowed to Lowrider, Blaze, Slate, and Andi.
“Is it on a turnstile?” Lowrider asked, walking over and stopping as he shivered. “Damn, it’s freezing over here.”
Calamity moved forward with the EMF meter, which went off.
“There’s something here,” he announced as it kept spiking. “And it’s strong.”
“Grab the SLS camera and the infrared,” Calamity said.
“I have already swapped mine, and I’ve got nothing,” the first cameraman replied.
The bear squealed, and everyone turned to the bed where it had been placed.