Page 2 of Escape from Rage
“Get in the limo, honey, and do as you’re told. Should anyone mess this up, you will suffer the most,” Drake grumbled as he climbed inside his own. He kept repeating Phoe’s threat under his breath. No doubt his wife had a particular punishment in mind should he mess this up.
Phoe had given him a list, and he’d had to make sure each person got into the vehicle they were meant to, or she’d string him up by his balls.
He glanced around his limo, taking in those with him. Marsha, Lynda, Rosie, and Savage from Rage. Banshee, Janey, and Shotgun from Hellfire. Drake was puzzled as to why they had been split up and mixed up. Somehow, he knew tonight was going to be legendary, but he had no clue whether that was a good thing or bad!
They’d been driving for an hour, and Drake had no idea where they were. The windows were tinted, and the driver kept them darkened to keep them virtually blind. While the others talked, Drake tried to wrack his brains where Phoe was sending them. All day she’d been as hyper as fuck, and Drake knew she had something extraordinary planned. Which worried the shit out of him. Phoe’s love of Halloween was beyond legendary.
His frown deepened when he thought of his allies.
Bunch of pussies. One by one, they’d made excuses and backed out. Phoe had got more irritated each time one of them did so, and Inglorious was seriously going to pay. The poor guy had no idea what Phoe planned for them, but Drake was sure it would be terrifying.
A smirk crossed his face as he realised that no matter what Phoe had in store for Rage and Hellfire, Washington’s and everybody else would get far, far worse!
Drake felt the limo slow down, and everyone perked up. Marsha and Rosie plastered themselves against the windows but couldn’t see anything. Drake felt the vehicle turn and thought they passed through a set of heavy gates. The car wound its way up a long drive and then stopped.
Curiosity eating at him, Drake shoved open the door, and Janey scrambled over him to get out first.
“Holy shit! No fucking way!” Janey exclaimed in shock.
Drake’s stomach dropped. Oh no.
“Crap, this is so cool!” Rosie screeched, nearly kneeing him in the nuts as she climbed across him to get out.
Drake took protective action and cupped himself just as Marsha crawled across his lap. He swapped a weary gaze with Shotgun.
“I thought this place was off-limits? Are we going to get arrested?” Marsha yelled.
As Drake finally got out, voices broke out around him, causing a din. Loud denials and what the fucks hit him as he stared at something birthed from a horror movie.
“Oh, fuck no!” Drake breathed. “The Andrews Institute.”
“We’re trespassing and better get out of here,” Chance announced hopefully.
Drake knew it wouldn’t be that easy.
“Since when have you been worried about breaking the law?” Phoe retorted.
“There’s always a first time!” Chance snapped.
“Hey guys! Welcome to Fright Night. First of all, I have written permission for us to investigate the Andrews Institute,” Phoe said loudly as people fell quiet.
“Aw shit,” Chance complained, getting a dirty look from Phoe.
Drake smirked. He’d been correct.
“Secondly, I’d like to introduce you to a special guest joining us…”
“You do know this place is in America’s Top Ten Haunted,” Silvie interrupted.
“Yeah,” Phoe replied.
“And it’s meant to be seriously haunted by creepers and shit?” Marsha asked.
“Yes,” Phoe said again.
“Nobody comes here. The state closed this down after a ghost reportedly threw someone down an elevator shaft,” Thalia added.
“Cool,” Calamity muttered, receiving several dark stares.