Page 64 of Sweet Sin
“So they investigate,” Leif says. “You’ve got nothing to hide.”
“No, I don’t,” I say. “Like Kelly here said. I’m an open book. They know everything.”
“Except the stuff you won’t tell us,” Savannah says.
“Except that stuff. Absolutely right.”
“So you have to understand, Falcon,” Savannah says. “From the standpoint of the investigation team, you’re already a killer. You pleaded guilty to a homicide. So in their eyes, you were guilty.”
“She’s right, Fal,” Leif says. “You could make this a lot easier on yourself if you came clean about this whole damned thing.”
“I won’t,” I say. “I made a promise eight years ago, and I won’t break it for anyone. Not even myself.”
“Yeah, I know you won’t.” Leif nods. “Like I said, you’re still the guy I’d want in a foxhole with me.”
“Brother, you don’t know how many times, while I was locked in a cell, that I wished I were in a foxhole with you.”
“I missed you out there. I really did. I made some great friends. There was a group of six of us on my last tour.” Leif pauses, his eyes shadowed. “Only two of us came back.”
“I’m sorry, man.”
“Yeah. It sucks. When you join up to serve your country, you know there are no guarantees. You and I had that discussion many times.”
I nod. “Yes, we did.”
“Why did you both want to join?” Kelly asks.
It’s a valid question, and I’m surprised Savannah hasn’t asked it yet. Then again, she has a lot more on her mind.
“We’re ranchers,” Leif says. “We grew up with love for the land and for our freedom. My parents drummed it into my head from the day I could understand words.”
“He speaks the truth,” I say. “My father’s not a veteran, and neither of my grandfathers served either. But Leif and I were talking serving since we were in our early teens.”
“You both had good childhoods,” Kelly says.
“We did,” Leif says. “In fact, I consider Falcon’s dad a second father, and vice versa. The two of us were inseparable. And they both instilled in us values, taught us how to defend ourselves. Taught us nothing’s free in this world.”
“And they taught us to value family,” I say, regarding my knuckle tats.
My siblings I’d die for.
There are a lot of unsaid words in that sentence about family, words I’ll never say to any of them.
Prison was hell. I’ve been so damned mad at Eagle lately that I swore to God I would never take the fall again. Never go back to prison to save anyone’s hide.
But I know I would.
I’d do for Eagle or for Hawk. For Robin or Raven. For Leif or Savannah.
Because that’s what I was taught.
And that’s who I am.