Page 6 of Sweet Sin
The words ring in my mind as I try to make sense of them. Her? Savannah? What the hell?
But I don’t have time to dwell on their meaning.
“Her who?” I growl.
“You know damned well.” Blond hair says with a lascivious grin. “Your little slut. Savannah Gallo.”
Rage torches the back of my neck. “She’s not going anywhere with you.”
“I got a fucking piece trained on you that says differently, friend.” Abel spits on the grass.
Chills slither up my spine, but I stand firm. “Then you’d better be ready to fucking use it.”
“You’ve got balls,” the blond says.
“I’m going to take him out, Carlo.” Abel spits again.
“Shut the fuck up.” From Carlo, apparently. “We have our orders. We take the woman, and no one else gets hurt.”
Sydney has finally stopped barking and has herded Sammy to a corner in the yard.
Good, two fewer things to worry about.
But my main worry is Savannah, and if something happens to me, they will get to her eventually. They can shoot the lock off the fucking door to the changing room.
Which will not happen on my watch.
“The two of you get the hell out of here,” I grit out. “I’ve already tripped an alarm from the pool house. The cops’ll be here any minute.”
“You’re bluffing,” Abel says.
I stare him straight in his bloodshot eyes. “You think? Do you even know who the fuck I am?”
“Do you think we care?” Blondie says.
“You should.” I gaze at the knuckle tats on my right fist. “I’ve seen the inside, and I’ve fended off scarier beasts than the two of you.”
Carlo glares at me. “You’re Falcon Bellamy.”
“Thought you said you didn’t care?” I try to ignore the racing of my pulse.
On the inside, all that matters is how you project. What’s going on inside your body doesn’t mean a damned thing.
They called me Savage, and I became Savage, even when I was as scared as a fucking rabbit being chased by wolves.
“I don’t.” Carlo meets my gaze. “We’re here for the Gallo woman. And sure, we’re not supposed to hurt anyone along the way…but Abel, here…he doesn’t like to follow orders.”
“What do you want with her?” I demand.
“None of your fucking business.” From Abel.
“I’m thinking it is, if you want me to call off the cops.”
“The cops ain’t coming,” Abel says. “You think we’re a couple of morons?”
“You really don’t want me to answer that,” I say, my voice calm with no cracks.
They won’t get anywhere near Savannah. Not while I’m alive.