Page 38 of Sweet Sin
I open the door and step in. “Mr. Shaw? Mrs. Shaw?”
Then a groan, and it seems to be coming from—
“No!” I gasp.
I run into the kitchen. Mrs. Shaw lies there, her face bloody. The groan came from her. How long has she been lying here? Hours… Hours…
“Mrs. Shaw! Are you all right?”
Stupid question. Of course she’s not all right. “Falcon, help me!”
Falcon doesn’t answer, but he appears a moment later. “I found Mr. Shaw. He’s in the bathtub.”
“Taking a bath?”
But already I know that’s not the case.
“Call 911,” I say. “She needs help.”
Falcon kneels and checks the pulse in Mrs. Shaw’s neck. “She’s alive. Man, we’re giving the paramedics a workout today.”
He doesn’t mean to take this lightly. The look on his face is one of pure remorse.
But this isn’t his fault.
It’s mine and mine alone.
He pulls out his phone and dials while I go to the sink, wet a washcloth, and wipe the blood from Mrs. Shaw’s face with my left hand. “Can you hear me? It’s Savannah.”
She groans again. “They were looking for you.”
“I know, and I’m so sorry.” I continue wiping. “The paramedics will be here soon.”
At least we’re in town and we won’t have to wait as long.
“Just hush. You need to rest. Conserve your strength.” I look her over. She doesn’t seem to have any other injuries. Just a few blows to her face. She must have been unconscious for a while.
Who would hit an old woman?
Giancarlo, apparently. Or the other one, Abel.
Jordan can’t dump his ass fast enough. He won’t call her tonight. Unless he’s conscious and memorized her phone number, which I doubt.
Falcon leaves the kitchen while I continue to try to sooth Mrs. Shaw.
He returns holding a Glock wrapped in a towel. “Is this yours?”
I widen my eyes. “I don’t know. It could be. It’s the same as mine.”
“Did you happen to look for the safe under your bed when we were at your place?”
“I… I wasn’t thinking. I was just overwhelmed by the damage they caused.” My safe. Under my bed. They’d have to get it open… How? Why do I even ask that question? These are professional criminals.
“I have a feeling you won’t find your gun, Vannah.”
“You mean…” I rise and leave Mrs. Shaw for a moment as I follow Falcon into the living room.