Page 2 of Sweet Sin
“Who could have done that?” I ask Hawk once we’re inside, the rain beating like a drum on the old roof.
I look around. Leaks are everywhere.
“Damn,” Hawk says. “This is one hell of a storm.”
“Yeah, I wish we had a tarp.” I walk around, avoiding the leaks, looking for a dry place where we can wait out the storm. I shuffle my feet over the dirt floor, and when I finally find a place that’s pretty much dry, I shuffle my feet again.
“Damn. What’s this?”
Beneath my shoe is a tiny streak of white. I kneel, take a closer look.
Hawk comes up behind me. “Looks like powdered sugar or something.”
I look around. “Yeah…which means it’s not powdered sugar.”
Hawk sits down beside me. “The dirt is a little bit less compact here as well. What the fuck?”
“We don’t have any shovels,” I say.
“Not sure we need them. This dirt is pretty loose.” Hawk begins shoveling the dirt away with his hands.
I join him, and once we get down about a foot, it becomes clear what that white powder was.
There’s a bag of it, and it’s got a tear in it.
“I’ll be god damned,” Hawk says.
Several bags lie underneath the ripped one.
“Is this what I think it is?” Hawk asks.
“Looks like cocaine to me, not that I’d know.” I take a little bit of the powder on my finger, run it across my tongue. “Sure isn’t powdered sugar. It’s bitter as shit.” I spit it out.
“How the hell did it get here? On our property?”
“I don’t have a clue. But I’m betting I know who does.”
Hawk raises his eyebrows? “Eagle? No. I know he’s a little rebel. Youngest kid syndrome and all. But he’s not into drugs, Falcon. None of us have ever been into that.”
“One way to find out,” I say. “We bring him the fuck out here.”
Hawk points to the stash. “What do we do with this in the meantime?”
“We get it the hell off our property for sure.”
“I don’t want to touch the stuff.”
“You think I do? But what happens if some hunter is out here looking for shelter and finds this?”
He nods. “Yeah, you’re right. What do we do? Take it home and flush it?”
“Or take it to the cops.”
I shake my head. “Yeah, I know. If Eagle has anything to do with it, then we’re risking him getting arrested.”
Hawk shakes his head. “I still say Eagle has nothing to do with this. We’re close to the border here. Could be some mule found the spot and thought it would be a good place for a dead drop.”