Page 101 of Sweet Sin
Hell, yeah, I do. Raven stopped breathing. Code blue was called, but she didn’t need to be revived. She began breathing again on her own.
And I know what I’m doing.
I’m fucking Savannah in the same room, hoping Raven will survive again.
She’s right.
We can’t do it here.
Besides, we were damned lucky no one walked in on us. What if someone had been admitted to the hospital and had needed this room? A cancer patient who walks in on two people screwing.
“All right,” I finally say.
“I love you,” she says again, this time in her soft voice that makes my skin heat.
“I love you too,” I echo.
And those are the truest words I’ve ever spoken.
I’ll never take them back.
Which means I can’t lose Savannah. Not to a rival family. Not to anything.
I’ll find a way to make sure of it.
“Go back,” she says. “Sit with Raven. Don’t leave her side. I truly think she’s going to be okay, Falcon, but you need to stay with her. You’d never forgive yourself if you didn’t and something happened.”
I shove my fingers through my hair. “But I can’t leave you alone at the house.”
“I’ve got Earl. When does your security get here?”
“Hell if I know. Let’s ask my dad.”
We leave the vacant room and head back to Raven’s room, where my parents and Hawk are all seated next to the bed. “Dad, can we talk to you for a minute in the hallway?”
Dad rises. “Sure, son.” He leaves the room and closes the door, leaving it open just a crack.
Two nurses whisk by us, and the nurses’ station isn’t far away.
“Let’s go to the end of the hallway,” I say. “For some privacy.”
Dad nods, and once there, “What’s this about, Falcon?”
“I want to stay here with Raven, but I don’t want Savannah at my place alone. When does your security start?”
“They’ve already started. Your place is being surveilled, and your bodyguard should be arriving”—he checks his phone—“about now. Looks like I have a text from him.”
“This is all unnecessary,” Savannah says.
“It’s necessary,” Dad counters. “I don’t want you or Falcon in danger.”
“No, that’s not what I mean,” she says.
“She’s talking about Earl, the bodyguard her father sent. I won’t let him stay in the house.”
“I can have him checked out,” Dad says.
“I already did, but you have more resources. That’d be great.”