Page 10 of Sweet Sin
But my subliminal message doesn’t get to her. So now it’s more important than ever that I keep Carlo trained on me.
“What’ll it take to get you out of here?” I say.
“You know what it’ll take. The girl.”
I tighten Abel’s headlock. “She’s not on the table. But if you know who I am, you know I’ve got money.”
“Do you think I need money?” He holds up his left hand that sports a gold watch. “I’m paid very handsomely by the Bianchi family.”
“Yeah? The money I’ve got is clean. I’ll even let you take Abel here with you. The two of you can take off, start a new life somewhere.”
Carlo furrows his brow. “I don’t think so.”
I’m pretty sure Abel can see Vannah, but so far he hasn’t made that clear. Maybe he’s nearsighted. Or maybe he’s afraid of my gun poking into his head. Just to be sure, I whisper in his ear. “Don’t you fucking say a word, or the last thing you’ll see is your brains hitting the ground with a splat.”
He tenses against me.
Yeah, he sees her. And he’s human. He has a self-preservation instinct. He doesn’t want to die. Not here, and not today.
Vannah has inched forward. She’s almost to the screen door that surrounds the pool.
Sydney’s still in the corner of the yard with her pup. If I could hear over the hot tub, I’m sure I could hear a low growl coming from her.
Stay. Good dog. Stay.
Now my job is to keep Carlo occupied. Keep him talking. Don’t let him turn around for anything.
My guess is they’re supposed to bring Savannah in alive, but I can’t take that chance. And I sure as hell don’t want her going off with the two of them anyway.
“You tell me what you want with her.”
“It’s none of your goddamned business.”
“I’ve got two million in cash in the house. It’s yours. But you have to leave quietly.”
Savannah’s managed to get out the screen door now, closing it lightly behind her.
Damn… The dogs.
So far they’re still sitting quietly. Sydney’s a rescue. She’s probably had to hide and cower in corners to stay safe. She has good instinct. At least I hope she does.
Savannah’s taking silent steps toward Carlo.
“It’s a lot of fucking money, right Abel?” I say.
Abel says nothing. Just nods his head slightly.
“Don’t move again,” I warn. “Next time you do, you’ll meet your maker.”
He goes rigid, and his legs start to give out. But I hold fast to his neck. He’s probably pissing himself, leaking on me.
I’ve had worse on me.
Savannah’s walking toward Carlo, and now I can see. She’s got something in her hand. Something shiny.
I don’t know what the hell it is, but—
“Fuck,” I grit out, as Sydney runs toward her, barking.