Page 36 of With This Woman
“Shit,” she blurts, and I flinch, slamming my eyes closed. I shouldn’t have. When I open them, she’s gone.
“Oh no,” I mutter, going after her, taking the stairs three at a time, the sight of her smooth, pert arse within biting distance sending me cross-eyed.Christ alive.I seize her and turn us around, taking her back to the kitchen. “Watch your mouth.” I plop her on the island, chuckling when she squeals at the coldness against her bare skin, and spread her naked legs wide open. “I want you to come down for breakfast every morning just like this.”
“You’re confident I’m going to be here every morning,” she says, her voice breaking, her body tensing, as I drag my touch to between her legs. She’s playing. It’s cute. And really fucking annoying.
So she needs a reminder, and I am more than happy to deliver. She can sit here looking all coy, sounding all resolute, but her body doesn’t lie, and her body is currently screaming for me. “Iamconfident,” I say quietly, torturing her with light circles of my finger. “Because you saidyes. Or was it...” I fake thoughtfulness, feign trying to recall something. “Oh, I remember. It was...yes, yes, yes, fucking hell, yes!” I smile darkly, starting to fuck her with my finger, watching in satisfaction as her dark eyes darken further, filling with a hunger that only I can feed.
“I was caught at a weak moment,” she pants, wriggling and spreading her legs wider.Wanton.
“Do I need to remind you why it was a good decision?” I kiss her hard and up the ante, introducing another finger. When she fists the lapels of my perfectly pressed suit, I have my answer, her whimpers around my tongue enforcing it. Fuck, I’ve got to have her. Now. Here. I ease her down to the counter and start yanking at the belt on my trousers, watching her chest pumping as she waits for me. My cock bursts out of my trousers, weeping its happiness, and I waste no time putting it where it needs to be. I take her thighs and pull her onto me, and instant pleasure rips through my body.
“This is another reason,” I wheeze, retreating and powering forward again. She screams, her head thrown back, her body bowing violently, her hands gripping the edge of the counter. She knows this is going to be hard. She’s prepared. Good, because there’s no fucking way I can hold myself back. I start pounding into her unforgivingly, my hips fast, my arse tense, my fingers clawing into the flesh of her thighs. I bark my curses, over and over, the blood rush to my head burning, the temperature of my body so high, I feel like I could burst into flames.
“Fuck, you feel perfect, baby.” I reach for one of her bouncing boobs, molding it firmly, as she cries out with every brutal drive. “Remember yet?” I clench my teeth, my body out of control, as she accepts every merciless second. “Answer the question, Ava,” I order frantically, seeing her holding her breath, searching for the orgasm she needs. “Now.”
“You’re staying with me?” I don’t ease up. Won’t give it to her until she gives me what I want.
“Oh God,” she wails, her head tossing from side to side constantly. “Oh God. Jesse!”
My name. Hearing her scream my name. I’m going to fucking come so hard. But... “Answer the fucking question, Ava.”
“Yes,” she bellows, her voice cracking, her back snapping into an arch.
And I let go, my hips rolling, and I come on a groan, losing all ability to hold my body upright, my legs like jelly. I fall forward, swathing her with my hot, heavy body, and that is what you call the perfect start to any man’s day. But as a result, I’m fucking knackered. Shit, we’re so fucking perfect together, I could weep.
“God, I fucking love you.” I force my head up to see her. To see the shade of her cheeks and the drowsiness in her eyes.
“I know you do,” she pants, still struggling to breathe properly, her sleepy eyes taking in my jawline. “You shaved.”
“You want me to grow it back?”
“No, I like seeing all of you.” Her palm on my face is more fire on my skin, and I turn my mouth onto it and kiss her softly. And now I really must get out of here. I drop my face to her tummy, breathing her into me, before reluctantly pulling free from the warmth and tucking myself in.
“I’ve got to go,” I say, fixing myself. “Get out of my sight before I take you again.” I pull her up, and her mouth so close gets me. I kiss her. I kiss her deep and hard, crying on the inside. “Now.” Ripping myself away, I stand back, but Ava hovers, contemplative, looking at me in a way that suggests she wants more. So I narrow my eyes, silently warning her, begging her not to make this more painful. She eventually picks up her feet and sashays away with too much purpose in the sway of her naked hips. The little temptress. I sink my hands into my pockets where they’re restrained, feeling something, and I’m about to pull it out when I remember what it is.Fucking hell.I leave the pills exactly where they are. Hidden.
I turn my body slowly, following her to the door, and she stops. Looks over her shoulder. “Have a nice day,” she purrs, stroking between her thighs and slowly licking away the remnants of our morning session.
Jesus, Lord above.“Fuck off, Ava.”
Her smile is sultry and satisfied. Good for her. And I’d certainly be walking with a spring in my step, if my damn dick wasn’t iron again. I blow out air and cup myself, rearranging my trousers. And then I smile. She loves me. Can’t resist me. I pull out the pills, cringing, fighting with my conscience.Put them back.“You need help, Ward,” I mumble, putting them back in the wrong place. My pocket.
I scoop up my keys and head out. Clive looks a little more awake when I pass through the lobby, and a tip of his hat accompanied by a cheesy grin tells me we’re now on the same page. “Have a good day, Clive,” I say cheerfully, slipping on my shades and breaking out into the morning sunshine. I come to a stop and breathe in the new week, determined to make it a good one. I can do this. It’s eight...ish hours. I inwardly groan. Eight fucking hours. It’s going to feel like eight years.
“You look like you’ve been mauled by a lion.”
I turn and find John leaning against the bonnet of his Range Rover, looking over his glasses at me. I smile and peek over the top of mine. “It was a lioness, actually.” I stride over, still with no spring in my step. “Thanks for doing this, big man.”
“And what areyougoing to do?”
“What do you mean?”
His gold tooth is revealed when he snarls at me, and I back up a few steps, wary. “I mean, to sort this shit out so one, I don’t have to babysit your girlfriend, and two, because you just need to sort this shit out.”
“I don’t know,” I admit, a little stumped.