Page 167 of With This Woman
“That was a joke, a very badly timed joke.” How the hell do I pull this back? I suddenly can’t look at her, can’t face the unwelcome disbelief. And the silence? It’s fucking screaming. Even the music has stopped, as if it’s sensed the atmosphere and wants out too.
Talk, brother. Talk with words from your heart, because she’s proved you have one and it is far from black.
I swallow, blinking back the tears prickling the backs of my eyes, and listen to my little brother.
For the first time in your fucking life. Well done.
Her gaze is fixed on me, her expression completely blank. She’s wondering if she’s dreaming. Or having a nightmare. “You completely consume me, Ava,” I say quietly, more nervous than I’ve ever been in my life. I know this woman inside out. She’s currently assessing every inch of me, our relationship, the circumstances. She’s searching for a reason to say no and, frighteningly, there are plenty. But I hope she bypasses all of that and thinks about the one thing that truly matters. How much we love each other. “I can’t function without you.” My fucking voice is cracking. “I’m totally addicted to you, baby. You own me. Marry me.”
She’s like a statue, unmoving, unresponsive. Frozen by shock. Is it that shocking? Me wanting to make her mine officially forever? God damn it, she’s still searching for the reason she needs to say no. Or maybe deciding which reason carries the most clout. My age, her age, my way with her, the fact we’ve only been together a matter of weeks, that I haven’t met her parents, her brother.
I’ve blown it. I’ve made a mess of this like I’ve made—
I withdraw, looking at her lips, wondering if I heard that in my head.
Did she sayokay?
“You’re my life,” she adds, simple as that.
“Yes?” I ask, shocked.
“It’s instinctive.” She smiles mildly, not looking unsure, but definitely shaken. Because her instinct is to marry me. “No sense fuck required,” she whispers, jiggling her wrists, making me blink rapidly and look up to the headboard. “Can you let me go now?”
I shoot forward and grab the key, my shaking hands not helping me with the fiddly locks. I release both hands and haul Ava up, dropping my arse to my heels, hugging her hard as I turn and drop to the bed, so fucking overwhelmed. “I’m going to make you so happy.”
She tries to fight her way free, but I hold firm, needing these tears to fuck right off before she clocks them. I need to be nothing but strength for her. A rock.
But she doesn’t give up. I, however, do. I release her and let her see me, and the moment she does, she visibly deflates, her eyes softening along with her body. “You already make me happy,” she says, her voice soft too, as she feels at my face. That’s also gentle. She’s treating me like I treat her. With the utmost care. Like I’m delicate. I hate that I am. This woman is the beginning and the end of me. “Why are you crying?”
Why? Because I’m so fucking happy. Overwhelmed. “See what you do to me?” I roughly wipe at my face and pull her closer. “I can’t believe you’re in my life,” I admit. “I can’t believe you’re mine. You are so, so precious to me, baby.”
She lets me take in every inch of her face, watching me. “You’re precious to me too.”
I truly hope I am. My God, she said yes. I can’t even believe it, even though I imagined. Hoped. She said yes. “Are we friends?”
Her accepting, soft smile puts a lump back in my throat. “Always.”
Not true, but I appreciate her sentiment. I’m sure she’ll defy me again sometime soon. I’m sure she’ll accuse me of being overprotective. Unreasonable. I’m sure I’ll laugh at her claims. “Good, my work here is done.” My dick disagrees, starting to pulse, telling me there’s still unfinished business, and I am not about to argue with that. I roll us until she’s beneath me and shift my hips until my cock skims her waiting entrance. One thrust pushes me inside her to the hilt, and I exhale, taking a moment, as does she. “Now, we have sleepy celebration sex.” I register the music’s playing again, like it’s sensed the atmosphere has improved and it’s safe to return to the room. No. I turn it off and get back to business. “I only want to hearyouwhen you come for me.” I close the gap between our mouths and secure her hands above her head, and I remember as I thread our fingers and feel it. The ring. She’s not registered it’s there?
“That was a proposal fuck.” She smiles around our kiss, meeting every advance with a roll of her hips, taking me deep. Deep but slow.
And it is glorious.
“You’ll be Mrs. Ward,” I whisper, abandoning her mouth for her eyes, pumping slowly into her.
“I will.”
“You’ll be mine forever,” I tell her, as if subconsciously ensuring she realizes what she’s agreed to.
“I already am.”
Good God.I’m forced to take a moment, breathing through the pleasure and contentment, feeling her squeezing me. “I’m going to worship you every day for the rest of my life.” I lose control of my hips and buck, feeling my cock expanding, throbbing, screaming for release. “Jesus.”