Page 57 of Making Magic In Suite Twenty-one
“Because you consciously made the choicenotto tell me. That makes me wonder what else you are intentionally hiding.” Her foot tapped on the floor as she waited for an answer. When I gave her none, she said, “Exactly. You still have secrets that you don’t trust me enough to share. And I don’t share a bed with a man that I can't trust any longer.”
She opened the door to my suite and stormed out. But she didn’t slam it, because on the other side, Bennett was there.
Perfect fucking timing.
He asked her, “Is everything okay?”
She huffed. “Ask your brother. Maybe he’ll tell you, or maybe he’ll keep it asecret.”
I was forced to stand in the doorway and watch her walk down the hallway.
“Want to tell me what the hell that was all about?” he asked.
I stepped aside so he could enter “Not really. What brings you here?”
“I have some news that might interest you. Late last night, we received word on a spotting of Mombo. Me and my men located him.”
That was great news. “Where was that piece of shit hiding?” I asked.
“In a place we should’ve thought of. The old compound.”
“Whose compound?”
“Remember my telling you that Alex and Ziva had been held captive?” I nodded. “The bitch who was at the head of it all resided in this fortress. High on the hill, and what they thought was impenetrable. It wasn’t easy, but we were victorious then, and again now.”
I had so many questions. It made the most sense to ask about the most current issue. Mombo. “When you say you were victorious, I take it Mombo is no longer a threat?” I asked.
“No. He’s not.”
“In jail?”
I had no problem with that. He hadn’t killed once, but twice that they knew of, and sadly, he was advocating more violence against innocent people. Nope, that guy shouldn’t walk the earth. I wished that would be the end of it all, but what being there had shown me was that evil was trying to plant its roots here again. The fight wasn’t over. Not for Tabiq, and not for my brother.
I’d never been so proud of him as I was now. He wasn’t bragging or doing any of this for money. He risked his life, as his men did, to protect those who couldn’t protect themselves. When I went home, I knew I couldn’t tell them much, but I could tell them he was where he belonged. Making the world a little better than how he found it.
“Was he alone?” I questioned.
“No. And they had compiled an arsenal of weapons. They weren’t just going to try to win the election, they planned on intimidating people not to vote for Reesa.”
“How many people were involved?” I asked.
“There were fifteen at the compound. Six are deceased. Five were wounded and were rushed to the hospital.”
“And the other five?”
“They surrendered. Now sitting in jail. Reesa will need to determine what to do in regard to them,” he said.
“So, this threat is over?” I asked.
“Ryker, it will never be over. At least probably not for another generation. I’m not even sure if that will be enough, but we are doing everything we can to ensure that the older way of life doesn’t return.”
“I wished there was more I could do.” Asking him why he didn’t wake me, so I could’ve been there with them was ridiculous. My heart wanted to fight for Tabiq, but it was best that the men who were trained to do so did their job without my interference. “Your men. Are they okay?”
“Two have been wounded, but not life-threatening. Also staying in the hospital until ready to be transported back to the States.”
“I’m surprised Meri wasn’t called in to help,” I said, honestly. She was one of the best nurses the hospital had.