Page 54 of Making Magic In Suite Twenty-one
I know exactly what you mean.
“He is one of a kind.”
“We worked on my campaign for hours today. I think that is what has me so exhausted. I need to find a way to sleep.”
“I thought Finn came home last night.” To me, that would help alleviate some of her stress.”
“He did, but he was needed at the hospital. I guess there have been some changes that I wasn’t aware of. Then again, maybe I was, and it slipped my mind. I don’t feel as though I’m on top of everything like I usually am. And besides that, I broke down and cried twice today for no reason at all.”
“I wish I could tell you that it will go away, but this is normal. Hormones are changing and your body is trying to adapt.”
“I can’t be this emotional in front of everyone. They will think I'm losing my mind. Who wants a president who is crying all the time?”
“I do. And if you time it right, you could use it in your favor,” I said.
“Well, I’ve been listening to Ryker talk. And he mentioned that you want to connect with people deeper. If you’re talking to them about the past, the struggles we’ve been through, and the dreams for a better future, I think it’s okay to be emotionally connected to them. A few tears won’t seem inappropriate at that time.”
She chuckled. “I would agree, but you’re talking as though I have control over when I cry and don’t. Heck, it’s right up with my lack of bladder control. I have to run to the bathroom several times a day now.”
“Once again, normal. Reesa, I know you don’t want to tell Finn, but I think if you do, you won’t only have his support, but you’ll have stress off you as well,” I said.
“I’ve thought of that, but now he seems to be the one stressing. I don’t want to put any more on him either,” she said.
“Okay, so we are back to square one. I keep your secret and you try to stay calm.”
“I am doing my best,” she said. “But I am not sure that is going to be possible until after the election is over. So much is riding on me winning. More than I ever imagined.”
“And you’re going to knock the other candidates right out of the race. Trust me, Reesa. The people love you.”
At least most people did. I was sure there were those who still opposed everything Reesa stood for. But they had no power here and with Reesa as president, they never will again.
“Thank you for coming by and checking on me. I needed to know that the baby was okay,” she said.
“I told you that I’ll come any time. I’m always just a phone call away.”
“I don’t want Bennett and Ryker to suspect anything. They are very...observant,” she stated.
Yes, they are.
“Don’t worry. They have more important things to do than watch where I go and what I do.”
“I’m surprised they let you off the resort,” she said.
“Well, I was going out anyway. Ryker and I are going...bowling.” It sounded so horrible to say that when she was under such pressure.
Reesa smiled. “Bowling? Sounds like a date to me.”
“Not sure it’s a date. More like a competition. I told him I can’t bowl.”
“And can you?” she asked.
“Never done it before, but I’m a quick learner. There is a chance I might win,” I laughed. “But win or lose, I’m going to have some fun.”
“Well, I won’t keep you any longer. But I expect you to tell me every single detail next time I see you,” she ordered.
“It will be my pleasure,” I said, grabbing my bag and heading to the door. “Reesa, no one is here. Nurses' orders. Go take a nap.”