Page 5 of Making Magic In Suite Twenty-one
“Ryker, you’re here on vacation. This is not a marketing opportunity for you. The Hendersons handle all that themselves,” he reminded me.
I’ve been hearing about the Hendersons since Bennett married into that family over ten years ago. Granted, Zoey didn’t seem to be anything like her brothers, but the Henderson influence on Bennett still bothered me. He wasn’t the same guy I remember when he was in the Marine Corps. I expected him to change when he left the Corps, but not this much. It was almost as though he was on a mission that no one knew about. And hell, not I neither our other two brothers understood why he opted to make Tabiq his home.
Bennett told me little to nothing about this place. Hence, we, which included me and the other Stone brothers, decided that this was where I needed to spend my three weeks' vacation. Someone had to find out what was going on here that Bennett was becoming absent from too many family functions.
We pulled in through the gates of New Hope and I saw the guards on either side. Not the welcoming committee I pictured. “Are you expecting trouble?” I asked.
“No. Not now. But Tabiq is a conservative country and not everyone welcomes us foreigners being here,” he stated without even looking at me.
“Yet this is where your in-laws decided to build a resort. I don’t get it. None of it makes sense,” I replied.
“When you see the beaches and the resort, it will. And the food here is unbelievable,” he stated.
“It’s just not safe anywhere else.” It wasn’t a question. He didn’t need to tell me that the guards were packing. I could see by the look in their eyes that they weren’t there just for looks.
We pulled up to the main entrance and he put the SUV in park. “Ryker, you won’t need anything that the resort doesn’t offer. If you want to go into the town, let me know. I’ll be happy to bring you.”
I laughed. “I might be your baby brother, but I’m thirty-six. A little old for a babysitter, don’t you think?”
We got out of the SUV and headed into the resort. “Don’t take it personally. It’s the policy here for everyone. No exceptions,” he stated firmly. “If you read the terms and agreements that you signed in regard to your stay at the resort, you’d know that already.”
“I scanned it. Then laughed and wondered once again, why people come here.” There were many countries that offered everything New Hope did, without the list of restrictions.
Before he answered, I was greeted by the receptionist. “Hello. You must be Mr. Stone. Welcome to New Hope.”
“Call me Ryker. He’s Mr. Stone,” I said, pointing to Bennett.
She nodded. “Here is the key card with your access code to your room. I’ll have your bags brought to your room immediately and they can help you unpack.”
“I’m all set with that,” I replied. “But a cold beer would be great.”
“I’ll have one sent up. And if there is anything else that you require, don’t hesitate to call the front desk. Enjoy your stay with us Mr...I mean, Ryker,” she corrected herself. I could tell she didn’t like using my first name. That was probably a cultural thing. They would get used to me. I wasnothinglike my brother.
“I have to pick up someone else, but if you’d like to meet for dinner tonight, I’m free,” Bennett stated.
“Did you get demoted? Last I knew you ran your own security company. Now you’re a taxi driver.”
Bennett snarled. “I see you didn’t leave your sense of humor back in the States.”
“Never travel without it,” I smiled. “To answer your questions, since currently I’m here alone, I’d like the company. Maybe we can talk about what keeps you here,” I grinned.
It was a question he was asked often and one that he avoided each time. I was sure tonight there would be another excuse or distraction that prevented him from having this conversation. That didn’t mean I wasn’t going to try.
He mumbled something under his breath as we parted ways. I headed up to my room. Twenty-one was my lucky number. Hopefully, it was a sign I was going to get the answers I was after.
When I got inside, I looked around. It was an entire suite. More than I needed, because I had no plans on spending much time here.Who knows. Maybe I will be able to mix business with pleasure.
I went out onto the balcony and Bennett hadn’t exaggerated. The view was amazing. Photos hadn’t done it justice. Since we weren’t meeting till dinner, I had plenty of time for a swim. Unpacking could wait as well.
There was a knock on my door, and it was room service with a bottle of beer. I downed it, then changed into swim trunks.
A quick swim turned into grabbing a surfboard and giving it a shot. That was a horrible mistake. I’d never surfed before and the board came out from beneath me and hit me on the right side of my head. I saw stars, and for a moment, thought I’d black out, but I didn’t.
Cussing, I dragged the board onto the beach and grabbed my towel. As I wiped the water from my face, I saw the white towel turning red.
I haven’t been here even twenty-four hours and I’m injured. Bennett was going to have a field day with this.