Page 38 of Making Magic In Suite Twenty-one
“Is there a problem?” I asked.
“None. Just checking on you. Is everything okay with you? I mean, I know having the extra...staff in the ER probably has interrupted your normal workflow.”
“If by interrupted, you mean given me space to breathe, then yes, them being here has been a change. In some ways, a pleasant one. But I can’t forget the real reason they’re all here,” I admitted. “I appreciate you being here, but I wish Dr. O’Connor was back.”
“He’s on his way,” Brice said.
“Really? Is his mother well? I mean she just had bypass heart surgery. I’d have thought he’d stay a little longer. I mean, isn’t Dr. Henderson arriving today?” I asked.
“Logan was, but that plan has changed as well.”
It appeared that a change of plans seemed to be the only constant around here lately. I chuckled softly. “I consider myself organized. But I’m having trouble keeping up with all of this. Is there anything else I should know?”
“Not that I’m aware.”
A car pulled into the driveway but didn’t enter the parking lot. Brice looked around me to check it out.
“Oh, that’s probably the woman who called me about a phone she found,” I said.
“A phone? Whose phone?”
“I’m not sure. But she said my number was the last call made on that phone. So, she dialed me hoping that I could find the owner,” I explained.
“You don’t know who the woman was on the other side of the phone?” he asked.
I shook my head. “She is Tabiqan. That's all I know.”
“You can’t go out there,” he said firmly. Then he pulled out his phone and dialed a number. “Lobby. Now.”
“What’s going on?” I asked.
“Get away from the glass window.”
“Brice. Tell me what’s wrong,” I demanded.
“Maybe nothing.” He pulled out a gun from behind his back and said, “Do as I say and get away from the entrance.”
I looked back at the vehicle one more time, but it was driving off, and a familiar black SUV pulling in. I could see in the front passenger seat that it was Ryker.
“You can relax. She left,” I announced.
“I’m not going to relax until we find out what they wanted,” Brice snapped.
Ryker got out of the SUV just as three of the ER nurses came into the entrance with their weapons drawn.
“What the fuck is going on?” Ryker asked, raising his arms.
The men looked past him. “What’s going on? Why the call?”
Brice turned to me and instructed, “Tell them what you told me. About the woman calling.”
“What woman?” Ryker asked, looking puzzled and extremely concerned. “Did someone come here trying to hurt you?” he asked, rushing to my side.
I shook my head. “No. I...I don’t think so. I don’t know. It’s all so...confusing” I looked around and the energy in the room was intense. “I...I received a phone call from a woman saying she found a phone and she didn’t know who it belonged to.”
“Did she call you from the phone she found or her phone?” Ryker asked.
I shrugged. “I think it was from the phone she found. But I didn’t recognize the number. Usually, if it is someone that I know I save the number in my phone with their contact information.”