Page 33 of Making Magic In Suite Twenty-one
“Do you see me laughing?” he asked. I shook my head. “I’m telling you that it is odd for Reesa to be meeting with Meri like that.”
“Meri said they talked about the hospital,’ I replied.
“Reesa talks to Finn several times a day. It’s not that. There is something more.”
“I think you’re paranoid. There is nothing going on.” Meri’s explanation made perfect sense to me. I had no idea why it didn’t to Bennett.
“Did you notice that she was carrying a medical bag with her?”
I had. “She mentioned that I needed to have my stitches out today. She probably brought them just in case she had to remove them on the road. She already let me know not to blow her off regarding them. Guess she’s figured out I can be difficult.”
Bennett didn’t even comment, and I’d lined him perfectly to make a joke. Instead, in a serious tone he said, “That’s possible. Still think there’s more to it than that. I’ll ask Finn if there is anything going on with her that we don’t know.”
“Wait. I might not be married, or even in a relationship, but that sounds like a fucking horrible idea. Why worry her husband without any reason? At least not about that. Besides, once he hears about Mombo being back, the guy is probably going to board a plane and head back anyway. I know I would if there was a chance my wife was in danger,” I said firmly.
“Ryker, I would like to think you’re right, but I’ve known Reesa for a few years now, and this is not normal. Do me a favor.”
“Sure. What is it?” I asked.
“See if you can get anything out of Meri. Maybe she’ll be forthcoming with you in regards to Reesa.”
“She won’t. Meri had made itveryclear that she is a professional. That means whatever those two are discussing in there, stays in there.” I must admit, it felt good that Bennett thought I could pull that off. It was possible that I still could. But did I want to? If Meri was willing to share something personal with me, and I broke that confidence, hands down, she’d hate me.
“Okay. I’ll spend as much time as I can with her seeing what I can learn,” I replied.
“I have a feeling you were planning on doing just that but for different reasons,” he stated. “Should I remind you that you are leaving in seven days?”
“Yeah. I know. Not a lot of time to get to know a person,” I replied.
“No. It's plenty of time but use it wisely. Don’t let her get emotionally attached to you.”
“We’re not dating. Hell, if you’d have seen the look in her eyes when she’d caught me in the hallway last night, you’d be worried for me, not her,” I said, trying to make light of our connection.
There was no doubt we had some sort of connection. When it was just us, and we were talking about anything other than Tabiq, we actually got along. Would I date her? In a heartbeat. Would she go out with me? Earlier I’d have said no. Now, I’m not so sure. The one thing standing in our way now was time. We didn’t have enough of it.
Bennett left and I spent close to an hour waiting outside. She came out and said, “I’m so sorry for keeping you waiting. You could’ve gone and I could’ve called for a ride back.”
The hell I’d have let that happen. “I think you know I wasn’t going anywhere.”
She smiled. “I do. And I’m glad. It’s been a long day and it’s not even dinner time yet. I better get back to the hospital and check on how the new nurses are doing.”
“I’m sure they are fine. You, on the other hand, look tired and hungry. When was the last time you had something to eat?”
“Toast this morning. Soup last night,” she said.
“I’m talking about real food,” I said.
“That is real food,” she replied as we got into the SUV.
Slipping in beside her in the back seat I said, “You’re working a lot. You’re stressed. That is not enough to sustain you. I would think as a nurse, you’d know to eat better.”
Meri huffed. “I know exactly what I need to do.” I didn’t say anything and just looked at her. “Fine. I’ll eat something better for dinner.”
“Good. Where should we go?” I asked.
“Excuse me?”