Page 3 of Making Magic In Suite Twenty-one
“I guess so.” She reached into her purse and pulled out a piece of paper. Then she jotted down a number. “This is my personal cell phone. Text me next week when you’re going to be leaving. I will let you know if I’m free at that time.” I raised my brow and she sighed. “I mean, I’ll let you know when I can go for a drive. Is that better?”
I smiled. “It is.” There was a knock on the exam room door and we both tensed. “I’m with a patient. One moment please,” I said firmly, hoping they would just leave. I pulled the curtain close in case they chose to ignore my statement and open the door.
Thankfully the door remained closed. “I’m sorry to disturb you, nurse Meri. Dr. O’Connor would like to speak to you when you’re through,” Nurse Dedra said.
I exhaled and stated, “Please let him know I’ll meet him in his office in a few minutes.”
“Yes ma’am.”
Reesa looked up at me. “Do you think this has anything to do with me? Do you think he knows?”
I shook my head. “If he had, he wouldn’t have sent another nurse to knock on the door.” He was extremely fair as a boss, but he wouldn’t tolerate anyone standing between him and his wife. He might oversee the only hospital in Tabiq, but Reesa was his world. And everyone knew it.
It was a beautiful thing to witness. A man loving a woman with his whole being. Not something we ever saw displayed in public, like hugs and kisses, but you’d need to be blind not to see how they wore their love for each other like armor. Everyone should be loved and cared for like she was. “Very true. He would never sit back if he thought I was sick.”
Yet, you want me to lie to him. Great.
I knew better than to rattle the lion's cage. There was only so long Reesa could hide this from her husband. Eventually, her body would show physical signs. It was going to be up to her how she was going to answer those questions.
“It’s most likely another person calling in sick. Seems to be a trend lately and I don’t know why.” When I had started, people were begging for more hours and never seemed to want to go home. Not the case now.
“Do you think they are lying and not ill?” she questioned.
“I...I think that people are happy. They enjoy their lives at home now, unlike before. They are dating, and since you have created other activities to do in town, they probably are out doing them. I’ve been tempted to try my hand at bowling myself.”Not that I have any time, since I’m working all their shifts.
“Sad that them being happy brings more work on your plate. The hospital is lucky to have you. And so am I. You didn’t have to agree to do this for me. But I’m so grateful you have,” she said, giving me a hug.
Now you tell me I could’ve said no.
“I’m here for as long as you need me,” I said. “But we better get out of here before your husband comes looking for me.”
She smiled. “At least he isn’t worried about where I am. That’s a first.”
“Sounds like there is something going on at the hospital that I need to be brought up to date on as well. Why don’t I leave the exam room first, and after a moment, when I know there is no one in the hall, I’ll text you so you can leave as well.”
“Perfect. Thanks.”
I slipped out of the exam room and walked to the end of the hall. When I was sure no one was around, I texted her and waited until she left the room and went the opposite way. All this sneaking around was not something I felt comfortable doing. I felt as though all eyes were on me, even though they weren’t.
Reesa was heading towards Finn’s office. I opted to call him on the phone. He answered right away.
“I’m sorry for keeping you waiting. You wanted to speak to me?” I said when he answered.
“Yes. I need you to come to my office. I have something important to discuss with you,” he said. I heard a knock on his door, and he said, “Come in. Oh, hello sweetheart. I was about to call you.”
“Would you like me to come later? It sounds like you have someone with you already,” I said, knowing Reesa made her appearance.
“No. Come now. She will need to hear this as well,” he stated firmly.
My heart raced. The confidence I’d felt moments earlier vanished. This didn’t sound like a short-staff issue. It was something more.
“I’ll be right there.”
I ended the call and took my time walking to his office. It was important that Reesa had a few minutes alone with him. When I arrived, I knocked, and he told me to enter.
Reesa was sitting across from him, but I could see she was upset.Oh no. He knows.
“Please sit.” I did as he instructed. “I know you have a lot of pressure on you, but I’m about to dump even more. My mother has become ill back home in Ireland. It’s her heart. I’m sure you know I can’t sit here while she puts her life in someone else's hands.”