Page 19 of Making Magic In Suite Twenty-one
I shook my head but smiled. He was persistent. “After she wins the election.”
“I won’t be here that long. And you know that. I’m talking about my first offer. Dinner at the hospital,” he said.
“Fine. I’ll have dinner with you. But only because I trust you to help Reesa,” I said firmly.
Reesa must’ve opened the door because she added, “I’m trusting him too.” I turned around and she said, “Nurse Meri, if you’re through examining your patient, I’d like a few minutes alone with you to talk about what’s going on at the hospital.”
Ryker got up and said, “I’m almost good as new. I’ll wait outside and give you two your privacy. President O’Connor, I’ll talk to you again very soon.”
“Thank you so much for everything today,” Reesa responded as she closed the door behind him. When she looked at me, she said, “I figured that while you’re here, you can ease your mind and check out the baby.”
Now I understood why she wanted me here. It wasn’t about Ryker at all.She wouldn’t admit it, but she’s worried about the baby. About her health.
“Please sit, and I’ll take your vitals.” As she went to sit, I asked, “How have you been feeling?”
“I...I’ve had a lot more morning sickness. Actually, it’s been going on throughout the entire day. My energy level is so low. I have hours of work left, and all I want to do is lie down and nap.”
“Would you mind if I drew some blood samples and ran some tests?” I asked, knowing that stress was also a factor in having a healthy pregnancy.
“Please, do what you think is best. Just as long as no one knows anything about it. And that includes Ryker,” she warned.
“Why would I tell him anything?” I asked.
“I saw how you two were looking at each other. You like him.”
That was true, but Reesa didn’t need to know that. Heck, I thought I had done a great job of hiding it. Guess not. I’d need to be more careful going forward.
“He’s my patient. That’s all,” I reminded her. “And this is not about Ryker and me. This is about you and your baby.”
I listened to the baby's heartbeat. It was strong, just like her vital signs. “Everything sounds good. But you need to eat and rest. I know you have a lot going on, but I must insist that you nap. Ryker and I are leaving now. You should tell your secretary that you are busy and not to disturb you for an hour. Lay on the couch. Close your eyes. Sleep. Listen to your body. It’s important. And I will come back and see you in a few days,” I said.
“I thought we agreed on once a week?”
“We agreed I would keep your secret. But you’re my patient.” Placing a hand on her abdomen, I added, “And so is this little one. Let me do my job and take care of the two of you, and you do yours, taking care of Tabiq.”
Reesa smiled. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Now, go rest. I will see myself out.”
I left her in the office and found Ryker outside by my car.
“How did your meeting go?” he asked as I approached.
“It went as I expected. We will need to meet again. She’s very...supportive of me.”As I am of her.
“Good. I hope she can count on your vote,” he grinned.
I shook my head. He knew better than to even suggest I would vote for anyone other than Reesa. “Get in the car. I have to get back to work.”
He laughed. “So, do I.”
“Yes, you have a campaign to help with,” I reminded him.
“And a dinner to plan too.”
I rolled my eyes and started the car. He was impossible but in the cutest way. I had no time for such distractions, but goodness knows, I needed one. He might be just what the doctor ordered for me to destress.