Page 10 of Making Magic In Suite Twenty-one
Why? So you can stare at me again?
“If you needed assistance, Nurse Dedra would’ve been able to help you,” I reminded him.
“I asked. She couldn’t,” he replied.
I was afraid to ask, but needed to know because Dedra hadn’t mentioned anything shocking. “And what in particular did you require?”
“A cell phone.” He stood up, waving his arms, putting his half-naked body on display. I’d seen it when I took care of him after he blacked out. Granted, I was too preoccupied saving his life to admire just how fit he was. But it didn’t matter. He was my patient and now since he was doing well, he was about to be discharged.
“I don’t recall seeing one when you were admitted.”
“As you can see, I traveled very light when I was brought in yesterday. I didn’t have one. I need one so I can call my brother,” he explained.
Placing his breakfast tray on the portable table, I said, “I do not have mine on me, but I’d be happy to call him for you when I’m free. Is there a message you’d like me to give him?”
“Yeah. I need a ride. It’s morning and I’m ready to leave.”
There was no need. Bennett had already called me earlier letting me know the time he would be here, either to check on his brother or pick him up.Seems the Stone men don’t ask, they tell. That might be fine in their line of work, but here at the hospital, I’m the boss.At least for the moment.Dr. O’Connor taught me well, and I didn’t let patients or their families dictate what was best for the patients' care. “Mr. Stone...”
“Ryker,” he reminded me.
Forcing a smile, I said, “Ryker, you have not been approved to leave yet.”
“Really? Your nurse said my vital signs were normal. If you take a good look at me, do you see anything that would give you cause to hold me here any longer?”
I let my eyes roam over his chest and down his rippling abs. There was no need to look any further. He was a beautiful specimen of a man. But he had suffered a head trauma, and no matter how perfect everything else looked, he wasn’t going anywhere until I felt he was ready.
Grabbing my stethoscope, I listened to his heartbeat. It sounded better than mine, which was racing. I knew my hands were cold, and his bare chest and inviting.
“See, I told you, I'm fine,” he stated. Breaking the trance that I was in.
Better than fine. Maybe perfect.
I’d never looked at a patient in any other way than professionally. Ryker broke that track record. What was it about him that my body was ignoring what my head was telling me?
“Not sure you’re feeling right though,” he said. “Your hand is trembling.” He covered it with his.
I snatched it away quickly and put the stethoscope back around my neck. “I’m fine. Just didn’t get much sleep last night.” There was too much on my mind, including him.
“Couldn’t stop thinking about me?” he winked.
Arrogant ass.
“Of course. I worry about all my patients. It’s myjob.”
He placed a hand on his chest and said, “Oh. That hurts.”
“And what about your head? How is that feeling? Because that’s what brought you in here,” I replied.
“It could be better, but nothing I can’t deal with,” he stated.
Reaching up, I began to remove the bandages. “I want to examine you and make sure everything looks good before I discharge you.”
“Thought you had a good look a minute ago,” he grinned,
I pulled on the tape, well aware that the action wouldn’t hurt his wound and that it might remove a few strands of hair. Giving it a quick tug, I tried to hide the pleasure I took in hearing him wince.
“Hey. How about a little TLC?” he whined.