Page 7 of Twenty Ways To Fall
“Mr. Blaze,” I replied.
“Oh, I like that name. He soundssexy.Is he handsome?” Diana questioned, her voice now high-pitched with excitement.
First Dr. Henderson, and now my boss. I’d given up hoping that would be the end of it, but if there was a man in the vicinity, she needed to know all about him. Not for herself, but for me. It was so frustrating, and at times, embarrassing.
“I have no idea. Haven’t met him yet.” His brother Damien was attractive, tall with dark hair, but I’d seen some siblings who didn’t look like each other at all.
“Too bad. I was hoping that maybe Mr. Blaze would have big strong arms to keep you safe and maybe rock your world while you’re away.”
“Not happening. He’s my boss,” I said firmly. “Maybe you should think about picking up a hobby and stop worrying about what is going on with me.”
“Fine. You do what you always do, and work too much. But I thought I should tell you that you’ve been replaced,” she said.
“You mean we’re not friends just because I moved?” That shocked me. Yet nothing in her tone said she was joking.
“Of course, we’re friends. It’s going to take a lot more than the other side of the planet to get rid of me.”
“Then what the heck are you talking about?” I asked.
“I’m getting a puppy,” Diana stated firmly.
It wasn’t easy to bite back my laughter. “You’re replacing me with a dog?”
“Not just any dog. It’s a chocolate lab. He’s adorable. I think I’ll call him Marley.” I heard yipping in the background.
“You got him already?” I hadn’t even been gone twenty-four hours and things had already started to change.
I love dogs.
I’d wanted one since I was little, but my mother was allergic. I always told myself that I’d get one when I moved out. Funny, I went from living at home to living in a dormitory at college that didn’t allow pets. Even before I had graduated with my master’s degree in criminal science and psychology, the FBI had accepted my application and offered me a job. From that point on, I traveled and worked many hours to be able to give a dog the care and attention it deserved.
I didn’t even notice that I had sighed until Diana said, “Sounds like you’re regretting leaving.”
Regret? I was filled with a lot of it, but not about leaving. There was still so much for me to work through. Like how I let myself get taken hostage. No matter what Brian told me, I still felt as though it was my fault. Not only did I get shot, but our suspect died, and he could’ve easily taken some of my colleagues with him.
A chill ran through me, and I quickly forced myself to bury those thoughts. It wasn’t healthy, and I of all people knew that. But it’s how I dealt with it. I didn’t.
I could see the jet making its final approach to the airport and the intercom buzzed. “Please secure your seatbelt. We will be landing shortly.”
“Yeah. I heard. You’re really landing this time. Love you andpleasecall me every day so I know you’re okay,” she requested.
“I promise to call you when time permits. Love you. Bye.” I ended the call before she could argue.
Quickly, I slipped my phone into my suit jacket and buckled in. Flying was something I was used to, landing wasn’t something I ever enjoyed though. The wheels made contact with the ground and it was one heck of a bumpy landing. I gripped the armrest of the white leather chair, hoping that my nails weren’t going to leave a mark.
When the jet came to a stop, the pilot came out to speak to me. “Hope you enjoyed your flight, Miss Beck.”
“I did.”As much as I could.
“Mr. Blaze will be here any moment to escort you to the resort. You’re welcome to wait on the jet until he arrives.”
“No. I think I’d like to go out and get some fresh air and stretch my legs. It’s been a long flight,” I replied unbuckling and standing up. My joints felt stiff, and my head was pounding. What I really wanted was a hot shower and a bed because I hadn’t slept at all on the flight.
The pilot nodded and opened the door and dropped the stairway for me to disembark.
“I’ll bring your luggage down to you,” he stated.