Page 68 of Twenty Ways To Fall
I kicked the bedroom door shut. Today was the beginning of the rest of our lives. Tomorrow, we will deal with why I won’t hire her back. But only if she asks.
I couldn’t believe how good it felt to be back in Tabiq. We’d only been gone for three months but it felt so much longer than that. But we’ve been busy. Between meeting with Logan and then helping to vet applications, we didn’t have much time to ourselves. With some strong candidates picked, all we needed to do was meet with Reesa and Finn to finalize the rest.
It wasn’t really our choice on who they ended up hiring, but we were happy to do all the legwork for them. It also gave Draven and me something to work together on. A bonding opportunity. Not that we really needed one.
Things had been wonderful since he surprised me at my door. Maybe the fight and time away was a good thing. It gave us each the chance to miss the other and come to the realization that we don’t ever want to be apart again.
I was just thrilled that Draven didn’t push back when I asked to accompany her back to Tabiq. With the suspect still at large, I had expected him to tell me no. But finally, Draven seems to understand that he can’t protect me from the world. Trying to do so will only smother me. Instead, we’ve been speaking honestly about what we each need to do in order to keep ourselves as safe as possible. Both in the States and in Tabiq.
It was all about us having good communication and we’ve come a long way in that.
“Do we really have to unpack now?” I asked, looking at all the suitcases piled up in our suite.
Marley lifted his head and seemed to agree with me. He was exhausted from all the new smells, and he just wanted to nap. I still can’t believe that I now was the proud owner of this sweet puppy, but I should’ve known that Diana was going to grow tired of him like she did with everything else. Marley got up and I thought he was going to walk over to me, but instead, he dropped at Draven’s feet and curled back up. Apparently, dogs were really a man's best friend, because he had Draven wrapped around his finger. I was now outnumbered. The only female in the house.
“We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to,” he replied.
“It sounds good, but tomorrow when all of our clothes are wrinkled, and I have to iron them all, I’ll be angry at myself for not doing it now,” I sighed. Draven walked over, picked up a suitcase, and put it on the bed. “What are you doing?”
“Helping to put away our clothes,” he said.
“You don’t have to do that. I know you have a meeting with Reesa and Finn later. Why don’t you rest.”
“What do you mean I have a meeting? We have a meeting,” he stated.
“We? I thought you fired me,” I reminded him.
“I did. And I meant it. I’m not taking you on as an employee again,” he said firmly.
I put my hands on my hips and glared at him. “You know it doesn’t sound any better the more you say it. I get it. I’m unemployed.”
It hadn’t felt like I was unemployed for the past few months. If anything, we were working more like equals. I liked it that way.Hopefully, he has more projects that we could work on where he is not my boss.
“I didn’t say that either.”
“It sounded that way,” I replied.
He walked over to me and took my hands in his. “I repeat, you are notworkingfor me. I’mnotyour boss.”
“Then what am I?” I asked.Besides your lover.
“I was hoping that you’d be my partner,” he said.
That didn’t make sense. He already had one. “You’re partners with Damien, or did you forget?”
“I was. While we were in the States, I met with him. Explained how it made no sense for him to continue with the business since he resides in New York.”
“But his mother-in-law is from Tabiq. I thought he did this because of Venus,” I stated.
“Yes, initially that was the case. But believe it or not, I’m the one who started the business, not Damien.”
“Really? Why didn’t you tell me before?” I asked. We had never discussed the details of the business because it wasn’t something I needed to know.
“I was too busy learning all your likes and dislikes,” he smiled.