Page 66 of Twenty Ways To Fall
I had the box behind me. “Yes, I did. Hope you like Belgian chocolate.”
“I don’t know anyone who doesn’t. Hmm. Flowers. Chocolates. Anything else?” she asked.
You already have my heart.
“Yes. If we can sit down, I’d like to give you an apology.”
Kinsley nodded and I followed her to the couch. She looked at Marley who was sprawled out on it. “Maybe we can sit in the kitchen.”
“Sounds good.”
When we got there, Kinsley put the roses in a vase, before coming to sit with me. I knew she was making this difficult for me. I deserved it. Hell, if she gave me what I deserved, I wouldn’t be sitting in the kitchen. That door should’ve been slammed in my face.
Maybe she’s not as angry as I thought.
She finished with the flowers and sat down on my right side. She opened the box of chocolates and took a piece. Before popping it in her mouth, she said, “You can talk while I eat… if you want.”
Ouch. Cold. I love it.
“Where should I start?” I said, half talking to myself.
Kinsley helped. “How about how bad you feel about firing me, especially in front of Bennett and Finn.” I nodded and was about to do just that when she added, “Or how you didn’t listen to anything I was trying to say, and just dismissed me.”
“Okay, I…”
“Or maybe how you made me fall for you and then broke my heart by shutting me out when you needed me the most. Because me being there wasn’t just about you, it was about me too and what I needed,” she explained.
I sighed. “As you can see, I’m a total fuck up. I did all those things, and not one of them was fair to you. Well, maybe the falling for me part. It wasn’t easy. I had to pull out all my charm and humor. You were a tough one to crack.”
Her mouth gaped open. “What are you talking about? Charm? When were you charming?”
“I guess that would be now. You know, the chocolates,” I reminded her and smiled.
She shook her head. “It’s amazing that you ever got me to fall for you. You’re horrible at this, you know.”
“At least that is something we can agree on.”
“No. I think we agree that you shouldn’t have fired me,” she said.
“Okay, that too.”
“And that I’m the best damn employee you’ll ever have,” she said, holding her head up high.
“Sorry. Not hiring you back. Not happening,” I said.
The look in her eyes could kill. “Are you serious? You need me.”
In a serious tone, I replied. “I know. But I’m not hiring you back.”
She pushed the chocolates away. “I have no idea why you are so stubborn. We worked so well together. We make an excellent team.”
“I know. But I’m not here because I want you to work for me.”
“Then why are you here?” she asked, frustrated.
“Isn’t it obvious? I’m in love with you. When I sent you away, you took my heart with you. One can’t live long without it.”
“You love me?” she asked.