Page 61 of Twenty Ways To Fall
I didn’t need to look her in the eyes to know how mad she was. I’d taken the decision away from her. Hell, I fired her. I’d done everything I could do, except telling her that I love her. If those words left my lips now, even Bennett wouldn’t be able to make her leave.
“Sorry, Kinsley. There is no other way,” I stated.
I felt her hand release mine. She bent over and kissed my forehead. “Take care of yourself, Draven. Don’t get yourself killed, or I’ll never forgive you.”
“I’ll try not to,” I replied.
She waited a second looking down at me. I knew she wanted me to say more. To change my mind. It wasn’t happening.
Kinsley stood up and said, “Bennett, can you give me a ride to the resort to collect my things?”
“Of course,” he replied.
I heard her walk out of the room and the door closed.
No pain in my body felt worse than having to say goodbye to the one woman I love.
If you’re safe, then nothing else matters.
I wasn’t sure if I broke her heart, but mine felt like it was in pieces. Even death couldn’t be as bad as this.
Finn said, “I know that wasn’t easy, but it was the right thing to do. She knows that even if she won’t admit it to herself right now.”
“Thanks. Now, can you get me something for the pain?”
“Sure, but it’s only going to fix the physical one. The rest you will need to deal with yourself,” he replied.
I’ll take it. I just hope she can.
This didn’t feel like home. It felt empty and I was…alone. I knew I could call Diana and invite her over, but I didn’t want to see anyone. It had been a week since Draven fired me and sent me packing. I was heartbroken and still mad as hell.
He’d called me multiple times, and I’d ignored each one of his calls. I didn’t even want to read his text messages. He took control of my life from me, and I was not allowing him to do it again. I’d talk to him when I was ready and on my terms, not his.
My cell phone rang, and I checked the caller ID. It was Reesa. She was kind enough to call me each day with a status update on Draven.
“Hi, how are you?” I asked.
“I’m well. And Finn just got home from the hospital,” she said. My heart pounded hoping to hear good news. “It seems that Draven has been released and is back at the resort,” she added.
“That’s great. I’m glad he’s doing so well.”
I might be angry at him, but I sure didn’t wish him any harm. Part of my anger was because I wasn’t allowed to be there to take care of him. I think Reesa understood how I was feeling. Otherwise, I couldn’t see why she would call me each day.
“Physically, yes. But he’s in a depression. I can tell that Finn is concerned, but Draven insisted on being released.”
“Because of TJ?” I asked. Maybe it was survivor’s guilt. He lived while TJ didn’t.
“I’m sure that is part of it, but Kinsley, he misses you very much,” she said.
I didn’t want to hear it.He made his bed. Now he’s stuck in it.I really liked Reesa and didn’t want to be snippy with her, but I had to stand up for myself first.
“That’s nice. But he must remember that I didn’t leave. He made me go. Now he must live with his decision.”And unfortunately, so do I.
“Kinsley, at times when one is in charge, we make a decision that is not popular, but that doesn't mean it isn’t right. There have been several occasions that I’ve been in a similar situation and Finn was not thrilled with what I did.”