Page 33 of Twenty Ways To Fall
“If I keep it up, I will be a beach ball and I’ll just roll around on the sand,” she grinned. Then she said, “Oh what the heck. I’ll skip lunch. Anyone else want me to order them one?”
Shaun shook his head as he exited, but I replied, “I’ll have two.”
“Two?” she said, surprised.
“I’m already having salad for dinner. I have to eat something good,” I grinned.
Kinsley rolled her eyes and said, “It’s just not fair. You can eat what you want and stay fit. I just heard about the sticky buns, and my shorts already feel tight.”
I was glad she was seated otherwise my eyes would’ve looked to see if she was accurate.
After calling down with our order for breakfast, I sat down beside her. “Did you really only come to bring me coffee?” I asked.
“No. I couldn’t sleep last night.”
I had a feeling that it didn’t have anything to do with me. “Still thinking about Lita?”
“That and all the other mothers in Tabiq. It is weighing heavily on me. But I realize that this is not something we can fix.”
“Why do you say that?” I asked.
“We would be asking for them to go back to a time when they suffered and were in pain. If what you told me is accurate, then it might be counterproductive to the efforts of people like Reesa, Bennett, and the Hendersons who have been working to get them to move forward. I think the best thing we can do is support that endeavor too,” she stated.
Was this because of her own issue? That she didn’t want to look back at the day she was shot?
I’m not a therapist. What the hell do I know about this stuff? Nothing.
“So you don’t want me to call Reesa and set up a meeting?” I asked.
“No. I think we should still talk to her, but maybe ask what we can do to help. Not suggesting what we think would help. Does that make sense?” she said.
I nodded. “I like your approach.” There was another knock on the door and I sure in hell hoped it was only our breakfast. “Why don’t we discuss it after we eat?”
“Maybe during our walk on the beach to burn off breakfast,” she suggested.
I was glad that she changed her mind about us talking to more victims. It would put us on the radar of people who wouldn’t be happy with us. And now after learning what she’d been through, I wanted to keep her safe more than ever.
Breakfast had been nice, although it was anything but normal. Not that I really knew what normal was when it came to Draven. They might tell me I hadn’t interrupted something, but obviously, they forgot what I did for a living. I could read a room in seconds, and I knew they had been in a deep and serious conversation.
Apparently, one they didn’t want to include me in. That was fine. I wasn’t there for any other reason than what Damien and Draven hired me for. But the woman in me was curious. It was something I needed to control because if Draven wanted me to know, he’d tell me. I needed to respect his privacy just like I wanted him to respect mine.
TJ seemed to be our personal driver now because once again, we weren’t able to leave the resort without him. I kind of thought that was funny because we were going to see Reesa. She had plenty of security there. If I were alone, then I’d think no one trusted my ability to take care of myself. But since Draven was in the vehicle too, I didn’t take it personally.
“Will the Hendersons ever loosen up on their rules?” I asked.
“Are you talking about TJ?” he asked. I nodded. “I don’t know. It’s been like this since I got to Tabiq. From what I understand, it’s not as bad as when the resort first opened. At that time, it was a strict policy that no one was allowed off the property for any reason whatsoever. No sightseeing or even visiting the local shops. Now at least they can do so with a driver.”
“Feels more like a bodyguard but you can call it what you want.” Drivers don’t usually drive carrying two guns strapped to them under their jackets.
“It’s exactly that.”
We pulled into the parking lot and Draven got out first. He turned to me and said, “Looks like Finn and Bennett are here. Maybe our meeting has been canceled.” He pulled his cell phone out and dialed a number. “Hi, it’s Mr. Blaze and Miss Beck. I’m checking to see if President O’Connor is still available to meet with us.” I couldn’t hear what was being said, but Draven replied, “We’ll be right in.”